There have been many players performing online and on small LANs very well, but they sucked on the major events, United Kingdom hentai came up this time is Poland naga from Poland PolagZ, who numerous people have been talking about after fantastic performances. He gives us his views on the LAN from both a player and spectator's view, so read on to find out!

How're you finding the lan so far?
The LAN is great, the competition, the people, but at the same time, i'm used to the polish LANs where socialising comes first, but here it seems the competition is more important.

How do you feel you'll be coping with the competition?
We're improving with every match and we all improved individually, but now we're improving as a team even though we all had our moments. I think we're too low for top 3, and my predictions are always wrong, so i won't say anything.

Who're your main opponents in the tournament?
FiF green, because when we last played them we won 4:2 and it was a really tight entertaining game. If everything goes as planned, we should play each other again.

What do you think you're chances would be against FiF?
We lost 4:2 against them in the group stage, but we can beat them now i think.

When the pressure's was in your most challenging games who do you think will pull you through?
I think either Poland krein or Poland uf0l, as krein will be shouting at us, and uf0l will be calming him down!

Who in particular do you want to see perform and why?
As a team i'd like to see button bashers do well, especially against mamut or epsilon. Players...I think my eyes would turn to Belgium mAus and Germany butchji always and some of the 'supposed hackers' like shaky and parra.

Is there any particular player or team you think will surprise?
I think AoW have already surprised for sure, and maybe there's more to come from them, as they showed in the match against epsilon.

Which team do you think may not live up to their expectations?
I tihnk vae have been underperforming, such as their map loss against charism and performace against epsilon where they lost the decider by 7 minutes.

Is there any player that you think may not live up to their expectations?
No, because most that are performing have already proved their skill at the other lans, though yesterday zerender had a rough start.

Who do you think you will learn the most from this LAN?
I don't think there's one specific player, but by speccing most i can find something to benefit from. I haven't learnt much yet, but i will be watching more games when i have the time.

Are there any aspects of the game that become more or less important on LAN than online?
The most important thing is to keep cool, since here if you lose your cool the whole team will get screwed and there's no coming back from it.

Are there any up and coming player's to look out for?
There are the supposed cheaters like Shaky and parRa, who can prove that their clean.

Do you feel that you've proven to some people that you don't cheat yourself?
I think i did actually, since some people have told me i'm doing really well etc., but there are some people who's opinions will never change like killerboy.