He is the one of the most important people around. He supports ET for a very long time. Thanks to him, we are able to enjoy online and offline tournaments. Who is he? England andyF1

Hello andyF1. Can you please drop a basic info about yourself at the beginning?

My real name is Andrew Woolhouse and I live in a small town in the North of England but I am almost never there due to my job.

image: img2912xc3

I was wondering how did your ET career look like?

I started gaming many years ago playing RTCW online and eventually joined a clan called "Dog Soldiers" with a great group of guys.
When ET was released I downloaded it the 1st night it was available and started to play it. In the early days I just messed around on public servers having fun although after a while I was frustrated by the lack of team work and wanted more so I started to look at clans.
Eventually I joined WWS (We Were Soldiers) and played with them until they folded then I joined goD after that AiA (Assasins in Arms) who because UK-Assains with whom I played until they also folded.

Please tell me more about games.tv project.

Prior to GamesTV.org there was a site ETTV.org (circa 2004) that supported ettv coverage of ET matches in the early days of ettv. I can't remember the full history but it was followed by GamesTV.org in 2005/6 I believe.

To quote from the site:
"GamesTV.org originated from a small community-based coverage site titled ETTV.ORG. The site served as an almost priceless addition to any ET player's favourite links and became a frequent location for top coverages for various ClanBase EuroCups, NationsCups and even multiple 1000+ spectator Atlantic Battles. With the view of making ETTV.ORG more than just coverage for Enemy Territory, GamesTV.org was born. With our first step into the mass-media market being Call of Duty, we now strive to expand until someone stops us!"

Many people are involved in the organisation but for me the main guys behind the idea and realisation of it are arni, skooli.
In terms of what games it supports, we support as many games as we can, always open to any game that can have some form of coverage, ie tv client / video cast etc.

Do you remember your first coverage?

Actually prior to getting involved in ETTV I installed and ran the ET irc reporting bot in the early days, I even remember helping a young AngryKid get his installation working. In terms of ettv I am not sure what the first match covered by my own ettv server was, it was quite a long time ago!

In what circumstances you have become AiA co-owner?

Actually AiA-Clanservers is no longer active but the story is that when I was playing ET with AiA, the clan, I was also getting involved heavily with ETTV coverage and GamesTV.org which lead to me hiring my first dedi server. With a hell of a lot of help from arni, I configured my server to provide my ETTV server, a clan server for AiA and GamesTV Matchserver 1.
Through this experience I learnt a lot about installing / maintaining gameservers and talked a lot to Pab, AiA clan leader at the time. Together in the end we decided to try hiring out matchservers and that is how AiA-clanservers was formed.
Quite a while later and Pab retired from active gaming and the clanserver business to spend more time on his job / family and I was left as sole owner of AiA. In the end I decided to re-brand and downscale as #andyF1.

What is your opinion about recently finished cc5?

I SHOULD have been there! Seriously though with my RL job and the usual CC dates I am almost always at the otherside of the world when the events happen, this time I was at home but I just didn't make it. Instead I spent almost the whole of the event at home looking after the co-ordination of the GamesTV coverage, no small feat with 58+ matches broadcast!
I think in general there can be almost nothing better for gaming than a big lan event and as long as they are well organised, which CC5 seemed to be, then I think they are a great advert for how well gaming is support by the community.

Why did you add F1 to your nick?

It's pretty simple, I work in TV and my main work is at the Formula 1 races.

Please tell me more about your hobbies?

My gf says that my ONLY hobby is the internet and my servers! I do like music, tv and movies and actually I inherited bees when my father passed away earlier in the year so I guess beekeeping is one of my hobbies now!

What do you do in real life?

Spend far too much time @ work, which I already explained in the question about my nickname!

How does your typical day look like?

Work days I generally get up 7:00 and start work at 9:00 finishing at 17:30 and then home / shopping / online / tv / etc. That is ofc when I am not working away, then my days are longer.

Thanks to your great support, you are definitely one of the key factors that keeps ET scene running. Do you feel that you are standing in the same line with TosspoT, Adacore, Cash or Bartichello?

Everyone of the above has contributed in no small way to the ET scene, I wouldn't like to try to compare myself in that way but just hope that my work is appreciated.

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8ball with Homer:

1. a) England b) Scotland c) Wales d) Northern Ireland

Really hard to choose the obvious answer is England as it's my own country but I'll go for D) Northern Ireland for other reasons!

2. a) football b) poker c) rugby d) snooker

C) Rugby because I played it quite well when I was at school.

3. a) Arsenal b) Liverpool c) Chelsea d) Manchester United

D) Manchester United Although I am not a big football fan I did get to see them win the Champions League in Barcelona

4. a) RtCW b) W:ET c) CoD d) CS

B) W:ET I started with RtCW and did enjoy it but ET just took the teamplay further.

5. a) Clanbase b) ESL c) Warleagues d) crossfire events

I have only really experience of 2 of the organisations having been a WL admin and now a CB admin so NO comment :D

6. a) mobile mg b) panzerfaust c) mortar d) flamethrover

B) Panzerfaust beacuse when it's used in the right hands it can be devastating.

7. a) spring b) summer c) autumn d) winter

d) winter - because I work less and have more time for myself even though I prefer summer weather!

8. a) vodka b) beer c) wine d) tea

I drink all 4 but always seem to buy more A) Vodka!

Interview brought to you by #homer.pl