With NC XII on its way and the ESL winter playoffs on the roll, what better time is there to sit down, relax and ask some questions the the team captain of Personality Team and member of team Croatia CroatiadanL? So let's take a look at his predictions for the upcoming wars

I think most people know you already, but for those who don't, could you introduce yourself?

Sure, my name is Daniel (as you would never guess from the nick), I'm a 27-year old child from Croatia, playing ET since late 2004, now leading Personality Team for almost 3 years, been venturing in quite a few games but sticking to ET.

How did you start your ET-career?

I downloaded it when a month or two after it came out but never really get to play it since I was on 28.8k internet back then, so as soon as I got a decent internet in the form of ADSL I started pubbing, taking turns on one PC with my brother. He got in a clan within a month and I remained pubbing only for a year, started playing ET more seriously in a clan in the end of November 2005. In a clan called UK Assassins.

Well you've come a long way. You made it in team Croatia once again. Last season Croatia ended in fifth place, how do you see your chances for this NationsCup?

I think we will do good in this NC, last time we did quite well beating superb teams such as Poland and Estonia with minimum trainig, this time I think we can go even further with some training. Team core is the same, mostly consists of Cortana players and that helps the teamplay being good, I think you could see Croatia in final four this time.

I hope your right and I wish you the best of luck with team Croatia. A big part of the community also knows you from Personality Team, how was this clan born?

The idea of a clan was born while I played in UK Assassins with antalis (who I knew from before) and Cypher and we used to play 3on3 fun matches after our 6on6 matches were over, so I wanted to make it a bit more serious and official so I asked them to play with me in a new clan. Soon after, the clan was born, name was Cypher's idea and I think it suited us as we all had very diverse personalities. When Cypher had to go to the army, we had another player but soon I bought a new computer so I can play in a clan with my brother and the new era of the clan started.

What are your biggest achievements with this team?

We had a few achievements, winning 3on3 OC in ET, finishing in good places in warsow and trackmania, but I think the biggest one is still running after 3 years and still not falling apart no matter what happened.

Nowadays that is an achievement indeed:). After a succesfull groupsstage in 6on6 division 2 and 3on3 division 1, Personality Team made it into the ESL winter league playoffs. How far do you think you will get in the playoffs?

Well, we had an unexpected setback in 6on6 playoffs and not so unexpected in 3on3 playoffs since we don't get to play with antalis who has been ou major 3on3 player during the years, now we're in losers bracket of both playoffs and I believe we could come far in 6on6 playoffs if we just fix some mistakes that we did in our previous match, really hoping to reach the final of losers bracket.

Many people think ET is living on its last breath, how do you feel about this?

I think ET will live on for 1 or 2 years minimum. I can't see any game replacing et except maybe Wolfenstein (have a little faith in that aswell) and ET really is a superb game. All of the people claiming it is dead are probably just bored of it after many years of playing or just sick of cheaters in the game, but I believe I'll play it until there's like 10 of us left playing it.

Ok, let's finish with a few useless questions, what mouse do you use?

MX518 which has broken down now thx to superb cables:p

What's your favourite drink

Hot chocolate o/

Who's your favourite ET-player?

drv4c, a real pro

Ok, thank you very much for your time, and good luck in the NC and ESL playoffs!

Thank you for shooting me with questions and a big shoutout to whole of Anti gaming :)

source: www.anti-gaming.com