Was bored I so decided to make an interview about my mate FranceiLoS!

So, at first. Who are you iLoS?

- I'm a french guy from north of France who's playing ET since middle of 2005, and who almost played half of all this time with a cheat.

*iLoS has quit IRC*

2 minutes later.

- May you add laggy french guy ..

What made you to start cheating?

- I started cheating when i've been bored of this game because of the high number of cheaters in it and because i knew some friends who were doing the same and who were actually having fun. In fact i started cheating only because i wanted to play this game differently.

Did you achieve something with cheats?

- Well, in the first days, i was using some public cheats like nexus or eth32 but never really played serious games, only publics servers. And so one day, i wanted to play competitions & cups, so i decided to buy etBot. I played some clanbase matchs, but way more random irc games without any challenge. My only real "achievement" was that me and my teammates (who never knew the truth), won against a med/+ team when we were low+. I remind this game because that's the first time i tried to figure out what i was doing because my teammates really thought we won this game only with our skills.

So what made you to leak your cheats to killerboy?

- When i realised that i was pure shit without my cheat, i mean not even able to kill low people. Plus, all the players who were playing with me finally knew the truth and they started to "ignore" me in some ways. So i decided, in november of 2008 to leak etBot to killerboy. (by leaking I mean giving nC account infos Incl. nickname & password)

There are still lot's of cheaters out there, You think this interview gives them something better to believe in?

- Of course i think that, i was scared before giving my cheats to killerboy, because this was giving me skill. I was low+/med- with the etBot, and i'm now med skilled after warmup, ain't that awesome?! Plus i must give a message to actual cheaters who would read this interview and say them that we always have another chance, and even with the flame of some crossfire users about cheaters AND ex-cheaters and of all the recruitment posts where that's always write "no cheaters / ex-cheaters, we are still able to play with friends, and lot of brainy people don't care about playing with ex-cheaters.

ET-ace is coming. What do you personally think about this new mod?

- I hope this will solve the cheaters' problem, and if it does, every ET officials ladders should have it. I just think that the ET-ace owners should test their mod with the cheats, like someone buy etBot or w/e and try to join et-ace and let see if that's really work. I don't think it could replace the actual pure shit called punkbuster but testing et-ace would be, i think, a good idea. ..if that's really working.

Which one ESL or CB?

- The ESL leagues is very nice, and i'm even playing with emo.et.pwn in the playoff at the moment, but CB have more players and ladders are more active. So i really can't make a choice, i'm active on both of them :D.

You're known as a "french guy who thinks he's finnish" so what do you think about Finlands NC team?

- Well, in my mind, finnish teams always been very skilled in teamwork, and even after their results in cc5 ( vae players ), they still very good players, with nice game sense and i think they really can aim to the 1st or 2nd place.

What is your favourite youtube video?

- I don't wanna get warning points, so i will just ask you to type "billy herrington" in youTube and then you will found the BEST videos EVER made!! (shoutout Filu, nasty billy herrington lover).

What are you most likely doing when you're not nerding/watching Billy Herrington videos?

- Well, i when i'm not nerding :D, i'm of course going school and revising stuff for the exam at end of year, i do horse-riding twice/week and of course, i go out with friends every saturday night!!! (selfbust :X)

What day is it?

- Saturday :(

The best ET fragmovie ever made?

- Every chapters of mAx's frag movie!!
& sieni adventure !

Tokio Hotel or Avril Lavigne?

- Avril Lavigne (coz she's sexy)

And Tokio Hotel boys are not?

- Hmm.. You're making a good point there :/

Thanks iLoS for the interview and good luck in your fight against the X1it0rZ!

image: SeriousCat