I know him since 5 years. Hovewer, creating a "questions" wasn't that easy- selection was pretty hard. That's what I decided to choose. And that's what he answered. England Sheep revealing himself!

A like Awards

Had to be this one as winning CDC4 with TLR is without a doubt the best award I've won whilst playing ET. Probably the only "high prestige" award I have actually. Finished 4th at CPC2 with the VAE mix as well, after raging polar in 6 minutes on Goldrush only to be crushed by dignitas one round later... ah the lovely memories of the very upset XyLoS : )

B like Books

If I'm going to be honest with myself, the only books I actually read now-a-days are the ones I need for my study at university, and the books that I read to the children whilst I am on teaching placement. Before university I had never read for pleasure or to simply pass the time... well, still it's quite hard getting into the reading habit and I don't do as much as one possibly should...[img]
C like Classes in ET

Probably best known for my SMG Engineer class, but only a few people know that I'm quite competant as each of the other classes as well... Medic, Field Op and Rifle on top of the lovely soldier... panzerfaust, and my favourite, the Mobile MG. I prefer to take on the Engi SMG role because I (occasionally) work solely for the team, but also because of the extra ammunition clip and the 4 grenades... oh, nearly forgot landmines... ; )

D like Downloading

Haven't done it for a while actually... haven't dared to whilst at university if I'm honest. Do it a plenty when I'm at home though; our connection has actually been terminated a good 4 or 5 times because of game downloads... also came with a nice stern telling off from mummy : (

E like Euclan

Oh my days I knew you'd bring this up? What can I say? My mother clan. Starting off here many years ago as just a simple public newb (haven't progressed much since then actually), it's where I met some good friends over the years. Homer, sS-A-p and Flight amongst many... got recruited by Crasher into $E$ soon after from where I met kErAn, and eventually I came to be where I am now. Miss those mass public and very ugly tag days : )

F like Finnish guys

Can't beat 'em. They whine. They drink. They sleep around. They hate the Swedes and most of all, they fucking own at ET. Found myself playing with more Fintards than I do English guys. I think the humour is very similar and you can have great banter with them when they decide to listen to what you say after telling them, "Your English is fine, you are allowed to speak at vent!" Met the love of my life as well, Ironi <3

G like Girls in ET

Hmm? What can I say to this? Apart from the quote that made Pansy cream her pants, "I think you're the 2nd best medic after sqzz", I don't have much else to give apart from a hi to Evi, Saskia and Lozz o_O?

H like Hull

Born and bred. Considered by the critics as one of the worst places to live in England... those spackers obviously don't know what they're talking about. It's great for shopping, yes, I said shopping, as well as going out, drinking, finding random stuff to do to occupy your time as well as the other 'normal' stuff people do, like beating up old ladies for their pension money and stealing footballs from children younger than yourself. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else I don't think... well, at least in England.

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I like Incoming fragmovie

Ah yeah, I was so looking forward to this... however, I was too damn lazy to seive through my demos and find decent frags. The majority were just landmines anyway, lol... nah seriously it would have been a great movie with lots of decent frags. Nohitz was going to make it but I let him down unfortunately. You can still check out some of the test movies though; links are in my profile down near the bottom.

J like Journals

99% of them are complete bollocks. Not much more to say.

K like Kevin

Great guy. Known him for donkey years now. Played together in more clans than you can count on both hands and won more 1day cups than malczik with my little Kevmeister. Had a great time, especially in one4one with Kv, but unfortunately CPC2 killed us (Sheep, Squall, Iron, Kevin, vegi and Lepari at the time), and that was what. A great field op in particular, kv has a great aim and a great understanding of the game. Has been nice playing with and even better being mates this chap.

L like LAN adventures

CPC2 was bloody immense. The social aspect of the LAN was a particular highlight. Had the most fun there, was great. My highlight was the idea a group of us had, think it was me, Snuble, Blaze and decem... maybe missed a few, but anyway, we barracaded the admins in their lodge with a table, a Hummeled-bicycle and random bits of toilet paper. Awesome! Sure Toss remembers it anyway! CDC4 was more drink, play, drink, play, drink, play. I guess that's all you can expect with 3 scandinavians, an estonian and a hairy malteser. Still managed to come out on top and take 1st place with them though. Played boys! Hopefully see everyone at CC6 again anyway, so watch this space!

M like Motivation

Dropped an awful lot recently. Wasn't helped by the fact I spent 3 weeks in hospital though - just in time for me to miss CC5 with Impact. They got Xpaz as my replacement anyway so they were ultimately better off, lol. Kinda got it back recently after talking with Iron a bit, about which will be told directly below this letter!

N like Newest ET project

As you've probably seen I've formed a team up consisting of some of the laggiest online players and worst offline players ever. However, we do plan on attending CC6 and pooning everyone below 'med skill'. You can view the lineup via my profile and click on PIDARS clan... we should hopefully be able to do quite well both on and offline even though we do have 3 polaks and 3 fintards... not forgetting a polak backup and a polak manager... oh yeah.

O like One4one

In my opinion, the best clan I have lead to date. Had an amazing lineup of me, Iron, Squall, Lepari, Kevin, razz, vegi and not forgetting plissje and dAnOnE! Didn't achieve as much as we would have liked but we had high hopes for LAN at the time, CPC2 it was. Unfortunately Razz, Squall and Kevin couldn't attend which resulted in us taking on board Bull and decem as well as switching multigamings from one4one to VAE. I still blame decem for our 4th place there... fucking newb.

P like Psychology

Studied this at A Level, fucking flopped it though. Just a subject I wasn't cut out for. If this counts, I do use 'psychology' whenever I can in game! Brain-play is my style baby!

Q like Quotes

decem's mesqi-logs. I needn't say more. Got more than my fair share of laughs from reading them, what a character. KICK DECEM, KICK HIM! I think my personal favourite is when in one4one, Kevin hopped on vent one day and told us of a dream he had the previous night. "Squall mate," he said, "I had a dream and you were in it... as a turtle!" Quality : )

R like RaskL case

I can't even be bothered to answer this question simply because I've answered it too many times before. We all make mistakes but friendship is something I value.

S like Sheepkebab

Was my very first nick. No idea why I added kebab on the end though. I even spelt it wrong on my xfire account (sheepkebeb) too add to the newbness. It brings back so many good memories from the old [*EU*] days which is an unbelievable 5 years ago now. Didn't think I'd be in this position back then though, can't complain. Kebabs are nice though :))

T like Taste of music

I can listen to absolutely anything from Dolly Parton to The Berzerker. What I listen to is very mood dependant though. I love to listen to Legion of Doom remixes in particular when trying to sleep, Soilwork/Disarmonia Mundi when I'm a tad stressed and Lost Prophets and the like when I'm somewhat flamboyant.

Just a view of my favourite artists are: 3 Days Grace, 3 Doors Down, After Forever, Apocalyptica, Black Stone Cherry, Deftones, Depeche Mode, Depressive Art, Disarmonia Mundi, Disturbed, Drowning Pool, Epica, Faith No More, Falconer, Finger Eleven, Flaw, Flyleaf, Guano Apes, Helmet, H.I.M, In Flames, Interpol, Kill Hannah, Killswitch Engage, Lacuna Coil, Machinae Supremacy, Mudvayne, Murder by Death, Mushroomhead, Nightwish, Poets of the Fall, Powerman 5000, Rammstein, Rise Against, Sentenced, Serj Tankian, Slipknot, Soil, Soilwork, Static-X, Turmion Kätilöt, Volbeat, Within Temptation... amongst a hell of a lot more.

U like United Kingdom

The place as an area in Europe - shit. The place as an ET team - shit. The place in general - shit. As much as I love Hull, I think the UK stinks. The attitudes of most of the people and the government stinks. Then again, I think that but can't be arsed to do anything about it. Why? My attitude stinks; I'm right at home here.

V like View of my room


W like West Europe team

Had the great opportunity of captaining 'w3st' Europe last time around. Basically chose the best aimers possible to play around me as a 5 man front line, with me sitting behind and waiting patiently for any 10HP survivors ready for them to trip 1 of my 5 landmines or be obliterated by one of my 4 grenades. It worked well as we came out in 1st place, toot toot. The most memorable moment for me was in the final vs Night and chums, where I gibbed 2 people and killed the document carrier with a very long range (and very lotto) rifle grenade on radar, literally 5 seconds or less away from them securing and us losing the map. Nohtiz made a nice little .avi of that with some casting from Tosspot, download it here - http://iron.pp.fi/sheep/SheepRifle6_3500_final.mp4

West Europe Lineup

England w3st.Sheep (Zé Capitano)
Ireland w3st.sol
Netherlands w3st.Azatej <<
Netherlands w3st.teKoa <<
Germany w3st.butchji <<
Germany w3st.wEAK
Belgium w3st.Kevin <<
Belgium w3st.mAus <<
Czech Republic w3st.teente
France w3st.emoReJ

X like xfire.be

One of the best cures for boredome possible. Whether you need to release some steam and flame some random person you hardly know, subsequently making them cry, or whether you need to laugh at the stupidity of some of the members here in order to boost your self esteem, it's perfect! Nah, on a serious note this place has a great family community and the 'majority' who value it for what it is are great people to know. That's shown particularly when a journal with the same topic and same sort of problem of a journal written in 1867 had, is answered politely by some of the lovely people here! ; ))

Y like Yawn Client

Heh, don't really care too much about this. Must have only used it about 5 times to check my own nicknames (c'mon, everyone has done it), as well as one or two people I thought were definitely cheating, lol... I guess it's a useful tool for some people, but I really don't have a use for or interest in it.

Z like Zoo

One word, "crossfire". Full of dirty, smelly rodents and crazy apes!
(Thought that was a nice way to end it, muahaha!)

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