Former Team UK.ETQW players with a twist of CS:S? Sounds like an unlikely combination, right? Well one4one are here to prove you wrong! I managed to catch up with their all-UK Wolfenstein squad for a quick interview.

Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, I bring you...

image: iview_141

So let's start this off as expected. What are your names, and can you tell us a little about your gaming history?

England Jeebs: My name is Kieran aka Jeebs, we all met in ET:QW. Myself and Vexx played in team VAE.QW. Mosphe and Stary came into our team later on in the game after their performance in the last ET:QW Nation's Cup... we was a man down prior to the release of wolfenstien, along came HippY looking for a team for Wolfenstein which was quite handy as we knew he was skilled and he was in a team with Vexx a long time ago in SoF2

England Mosphe: Name's Jack "Mosphe" Allsopp. Played for Explanation, Team UK and Havoc & Kaos in ET:QW. Only ever played ET:QW.

England HippY: Hi, my name is Lee Robinson, also known in the land of gaming as HippY, and I've been playing online games competitively now since 1999. I've played SoF1, SoF2, UT99, TMNF and CSS, all with relative success, and now i've taken the plunge into Wolfenstein!

Scotland Vexx: My name is Brian ' Vexx ' Stewart, i started gaming many years ago. Started off with abit of q2 then moved onto sof1, sof2, kingpin, q3, RTCW, ET, ETQW and now eventualy wolfenstein. Along the way i have had the pleasure of being in some top euro teams and playing in national teams a trend i hope to keep with wolfenstein.

England Stary: Hey, im Will 'Stary' Vaudrey from the UK. I started gaming back in the days of RTCW, And then started ETQW a few years later in (PIMPS) where i met Mosphe, about a year later we both joined the team UK lineup for ETQW where i met Jeebs and Vexx. The team UK lineup then formed hAk who were then picked up by 141 in wolf.

What has made you guys come to Wolfenstein, and what are your hopes for it's future?

England Stary: Joining hAk made me come to Wolfenstein. for the fun times and the "exciting" gameplay that activion offered us in trailers. For Wolf's future I'm hoping that hannes will provide us with another excellent promod final like in ETQW.

Scotland Vexx: Well, I have been a big fan of the Wolfenstein series since the release of RTCW due to its uniqe game style. I'm hoping ( fingers crossed ) that the game continues to grow and that we see some exciting prize tourneys and LANs.

England Mosphe: Wolfenstein known for it's competition side of things - and me likey competition. For its future, I hope it's a good one atleast. Hoping it will grow (some what slow start) and start getting some nice competition.

England HippY: I was playing CS:S, but the scene (UK in particular) was becoming pretty monotonous and polluted with idiots, so I decided a change was needed. I decided on Wolfenstein for a change of pace, and knew Vexx from the old SoF2 days, and the rest, as they say, is history! And i didnt answer the 2nd part as people have kinda summed up my views :p

England Jeebs: What made us come to Wolfenstien was the class-based, and fast-paced gameplay we all enjoyed in games like RTCW, ET and ET:QW, the game has had a slow start but i see more teams coming to the game and hope it continues to grow in the future

You're currently one of the more active teams at the moment. Can you give us a brief rundown of what a typical "prac night" involves? And how often do those nights occur?

England Jeebs: We look to play 3 or 4 scrims a night, we try new things in scrims work on our tactics, comunication & teamplay etc. We look to train 5 days a week.

England Mosphe: Typical practice night is pretty much: Jaffa Cakes, cuppa tea, scrim 3-4 times and whine. :D

Scotland Vexx: The typical prac night for us usualy involves 3-4 scrims a night with breaks inbetween going over what we failed on and what we can improve. We have been quite good with getting scrims as we do get that amount around 5 days of the week so serious prac for us :) However me falling asleep before a game and waking up due to jeebs shouting " VEXX " on comms is not very uncommon for me :)

You guys have taken part in just about every cup the Wolfenstein Gather community has run and you've seen the community grow from the beginning. Have you noticed a change in stability within the community and is there anything else you'd like to see included?

Scotland Vexx: We have and I would like to give a big thanks to you guys at the Wolfenstein Gather community for all the cups <3. The community is definatly getting larger as each day passes and other teams are also getting better :D Even though the game is lacking in numbers atm you will always be able to find a scrim which I think is good. I would really like to see some old rtcw or et map ports :D or even some custom maps.

England Mosphe: The community is bigger, more teams lookin' for PCW's, that's a good thing. Seen alot less hate, unless I haven't been reading crossfire much lately. But there's somewhat some stability and hopefully it continues to become more... stable. :P

England Stary: Well I was kinda skeptical about the community of this game because it's a mix of players from: ETQW, ET and RTCW. Who just about all hate each other :D (with a few exceptions ofc) but I'm quite surprised about the low level of hate and rage between the players and I'm hoping it will stay that way. The only thing that I would like to see included is a few more teams playing the game.

England HippY: The interest in the game is growing on a daily basis, but people are still slightly skeptical after the not so favourable opinions of the game after it was released. WolfPRO is winning over more users with every update, but I think all the haters should grow some balls and play something that is out of their comfort zone... or spend the rest of their lives playing ET, either is fine =D

Most of you are used to the 6on6 format in team games, but for Wolfenstein, the 5on5 format seems to be most fitting. Was this something you were expecting before playing the game, or were you hoping for the more familiar 6on6 format?

England Mosphe: Didn't expect the maps to be as small as they are. Kinda expecting a huge epic scream like panzer, but beta proved me wrong. But, I definitely expected 6on6 before any release of the game.

Scotland Vexx: Well we expected it to be 6on6 as we are used to that format and all previous Wolfenstein games have been but when we tried Wolfenstein we could see straight away that 5on5 was best suited. Due to the small maps and speed of the game, tho i wouldnt mind trying some 6on6 in a RTCW / ET map port, hint hint nudge nudge ( future cup for you there! ) . The change from 6on6 to 5on5 wasnt really a problem for us and iam starting to enjoy the format so all good

England Jeebs: Yes we are most used to 6on6 format just stepping out of ET:QW. We was trying to get 6 players for Wolfenstein before the game came out, the fact Wolfenstein was 5on5 was pretty much a god send to us as one player decided to play in another wolf team

England HippY: The 5on5 in Wolfenstein has a lot in common with that of CS:S, in the sense that splitting up and working in pairs, with 1 guy floating around and helping out seems to work well in both games, for the majority of the time. All this nonsense with dropping health and ammo though.. what's that all about?!

TGL just announced a tournament sponsored by Intel which includes a MASSIVE prize pot. Will we be seeing one4one compete in that tourney?

England Stary: Hopefully yeah we will be, it should be a different experience for us due to American servers and getting up at 2:00AM to play an official but it would definitely be worth it if we won :D

England Jeebs: Of course.

England Mosphe: YE

Scotland Vexx: You most certainly will! Playing for prizes is always a good thing and getting to take them away from the Americans is even better! The tourney itself is a great boost for the game and I hope alot of teams enter it. We are also confident we can take a cash prize from the tourney so watch this space :D

For all the people reading this who have thought twice about buying the game, do you have any encouraging words to help them make their minds up?

England Mosphe: No cheaters here! Buy it!

England Stary: Sure, the game might be a bit expensive for some people who are used to ET being free, but I would definitely recommend buying it, there has been alot of hate going around since the beta was a bit sucky but it has been improved by patches and promods and it is very playable right now.

Scotland Vexx: To all you haters out there, the game is far from perfect atm but hannes, chris and syd are doing a fantastic job with the WolfPRO mod. The game may take a bit getting used to but is definatly worth it, the promod has fixed alot of issues and it plays nicely. So give the game a chance, get yourselves in a team and play in the cups hosted by #wolfenstein.gather. You guys will be suprised if you give it half a chance.

England HippY: What Vexx said^ :p

England Jeebs: Well if you like infantry games without spam (airstrikes, artilery, mines, shooting through walls, vehicals) this is a great game it dosen't require mega tactics as the maps are quite small it more relys on skill and teamplay.

On a similar note, alot of people have played the game and literally HATE it. Do you think they've given the game a fair chance to improve? What would you say to them to get them to give it the chance it possibly deserves?

England Stary: They have judged the game by the beta and thus are idiots :D (joking) they should definitely give it another chance because it has been improved alot and there is more improvement on the way.

England Jeebs: Well, it's a hard question but one I can answer, people seem to forget the perfect games they run back to, weren't so perfect when they was released with a little time Wolfenstein will be a great game. Early days guys.

England HippY: No game will ever start off perfect, take CS:S for example, it was a horrible game to play when it was first released, and all the 1.6 players hated it with a passion, just like the ET community now with Wolfenstein. Given some time, with a few patches and some decents LANs and coverage, and it will be a great addition to the franchise.

Scotland Vexx: I imagine alot of people who HATE it might have played the vanilla version or even played promod for a few mins and went " same shit different mod " but people need to remember its a NEW game. Not a copy of previous games even tho it has elements of RTCW and ET in it. As I said before WolfPRO has changed the game alot and there is still nice stuff being worked on I imagine so give the game more than 5 mins on a random pub.

Scotland Seanza: Nothing from Mos?

England Mosphe: all been said :D

England Stary: hes on 4chan

England Mosphe: and that

(Mos then posted a pic of Jaffa cakes <3)

Ok lads, time for some shorter questions, answer them as quick as you can! GO!

Veil, do you use it? If so, how often?

England Jeebs: Myself and few others in the team refrain from using it, as we expect it to be removed or modified in the future, personally though I love it! Reminds me of q3 green skinz lol!

Scotland Vexx: I use it all the time whilst I'm sniping and sometimes whilst I'm smg but not always.

England Stary: No, it's pointless

England Mosphe: I use veil for moar FOV : ) So all the time

England HippY: Only time I use veil is the first few seconds of a round, I can seem to jump easier with it on, but I guess its all in my head =P

What's your favourite Wolfenstein map?

England Stary: mp_facility / mp_hospital.

England Mosphe: mp_manor.

Scotland Vexx: mp_hospital for smg madness and mp_manor for uber snipage! :D

England HippY: mp_manor

England Jeebs: mp_hospital

Your least favourite Wolfenstein map?

England Jeebs: mp_rooftops

Scotland Vexx: mp_canals

England Stary: mp_rooftops

England Mosphe: mp_bank

England HippY: mp_chemical

Your favourite weapon in the game?

England Jeebs: Melee

Scotland Vexx: Kar98

England Stary: MP40 / Pistol

England Mosphe: Panzer

England HippY: Kar98

WolfPRO / ShrapMod / Vanilla?

England Jeebs: WolfPRO

Scotland Vexx: WolfPRO

England Stary: WolfPRO

England Mosphe: WolfPRO

England HippY: WolfPRo

If you could have any map (from any game) remade for Wolfenstein, what would it be?

England Jeebs: Volcano (ETQW)

Scotland Vexx: Beach ( whoever dosen't like beach should be gagged bagged and shot! ), Village ( some epic infantry fights in there :D ) and assault ( imagine the sniping man, the sniping! ) (RTCW)

England Stary: Salvage or a scaled down Maridia (both from ETQW)

England Mosphe: Braundorf (ET)

England HippY: mp_jor1 (SoF 2)

Which hitsounds are you using in WolfPRO?

England Jeebs: ET:QW (Download)

Scotland Vexx: Default Wolfenstein ones (Download)

England Stary: Default Wolfenstein ones (Download)

England Mosphe: ET hitsounds (Download)

England HippY: Default Wolfenstein ones (Download)

Well chaps, thanks for your time tonight. Was great chatting with you. Some interesting answers you've given. I'm sure the readers won't be disappointed with this interview.

Any shoutouts before we wrap this up?

England Jeebs: shoutout to the lads from team ita.qw

Scotland Vexx: Big shoutout to SEANZAtheBEAST, sui, hannes, chris, fims and my dead pet hamster fluffy.. hes dead btw.

England Stary: Sui & FimS

England Mosphe: Shoutout to DeathMau Five


Scotland Vexx: Thanks seanza for the interview meight!


IRC: #141
England Kieran 'Jeebs' Jary
England Lee 'HippY' Robinson
England Will 'Stary' Vaudrey
England Jack 'Mosphe' Allsopp
Scotland Brian 'Vexx' Stewart

If you want to see these lads in action, check them out in tonight's cup hosted by #wolfenstein.gather. Join the channel to keep updated. We'll have a videostream & shoutcast for the live matches, thanks to Germany FimS
image: trans
This interview was carried out as part of the Wolfenstein Gather Project.
