With Team Dignitas returning with a new solid lineup and one of the major additions being Mark "Phantasy" Pinney, i thought we could catch up for a chat.

image: awc9p1

So Phantasy, can you please introduce yourself?

Hi im mark "phantasy" pinney, im 18 from luton, im currently studying Imedia in my second year of college. In CoD4 ive played in teams such as exabyte, Reason gaming, Team Coolermaster and now Team Dignitas.

Hows the journey been getting to this point from being a "middle of the table" cod2 player to now playing for Team Dignitas in CoD4 and further games?

Well it feels great since this is where i've wanted to be for a long time now, Since i started playing in vcod at the age of 12/13 after noticing "professional" teams. Ive slowly worked my way through both CoD1 and CoD2 being just a regular player and decided i would take CoD4 to a new level and challenge myself to see how far i could get, After two years of consistent results with various teams i was eventually offered a spot in Team Dignitas which i couldnt refuse. I hope to do the name and organization proud in the upcoming Modern Warfare 2.

I can imagine after LAN79 people are wondering how the team is with you and Blackmane now under the same tags?

I was quite surprised myself when blackmane approached me on joining after the amount of abuse and hate ive had come from his way, After a talk it all came down to the fact that he didn't like playing against me and further more losing to me, especially after 5 times in a row. So now we're on the same side there shouldn't be anymore problems

I assume after your success with TCM (the 5 times in a row included:P) there were a number of offers from other well known gaming orgs why go for Team Dignitas?

Actually you would be surprised, I didnt get offers from anybody and rarely did in CoD4, Since my time in Reason gaming last year after being removed i had to work my way back up again as nobody rated me as a player. Its only recently that i seem to have some peoples attention. I heard many names and teams being thrown about but i was never involved in any of them. The reason i went for Team Dignitas is because its just pretty much the goal i set out to achieve a while back. It was quite a hard decision to leave TCM but i just felt if i was going to leave that would be the time to do it, Months before the release of MW2 giving the rest of the team and managers time to prepare. Also when joining a new team it gives something new as i was in TCM for 10 months, i also get to play with nreo who is a great friend of mine so its awesome.

Are you looking forward to the new CoD MW2? and how do you plan to approach the new game to get to the top level so fast?

Yeah i am looking forward to the new cod, even though i say i hate CoD4 most probably because ive just played it so much since its release its become boring its still a good game for me and thats most likely because of where i am in it now. With MW2 i plan to do the same as i did with MW by just playing playing and more playing, Since MW2 is more like an expansion to CoD4 than a new game everybody already knows what to expect instead of being a change like CoD2-CoD4, Promod should be sorted fast and everybody can get straight into competition. I hope to games as big as CoD4 or even bigger.

Quick Fire Questions

-Favorite game? - vCoD
-Favorite LAN? - i36
-Favorite Cod4 Player? - nreo/lighters
-Favorite Cod2 Player? - davy
-Best moment in gaming? - Winning backlot in TeX09 final 13-11
-Favorite Map? - Backlot
-Least Favorite Player? - Don't have one :D
-Worst LAN? - i37
-Most Looking forward to? - All the LANS of MW2!

You will be able to see the new Team Dignitas in full effect in the upcoming Alienware Cup