After last weeks interview with United States of Americahollywood I have this time met up with SwedenSoD.

He is one of the most successful players who ever played RTCW and apart from multiple eurocup and nationscup trophys he also placed second on quakecon 2002 and won quakecon 2003 with SwedeniNfensus.
6 years ago he was voted the best aimer and second best player of all time following his teammate Swedenciv on swertcw.

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INfensus on quakecon 2002

Hey, could you please introduce yourself shortly first.

Hello, my name is Henrik Sundström. I'm 27 years old from Sweden.

How did you get into gaming?

I started to play DOOM on the computers at school.

The team you spent the most time with was certainly Infensus, how did it come into existence?

Infensus was a merge between MD(Moral decay) and PM(Peace Makers). Both teams were among the best teams in Europe but struggled to get enough players. I believe Civ contacted me regarding a merge/new team. We learned that we had a lot in common and the end result was Infensus.

Back in the days when you were playing serious and preparing for big events like quakecon, how did an average day for you look like? How much time did you spend playing and making tactics?

We where wellprepared for Quakecon 2003. The week before quakecon we had a bootcamp. The days during the bootcamp mostly look like this: Everyone woke up around 13:00 except Swedenspear who usually got up around 17-20(!).
We had 2-3 Scheduled practice each day. We worked on our tactics and tried to improve on our weakest maps. I would guess we spend around 5-6hours/day on rtcw during the bootcamp. We played other games like Q3, UT2003 and QW to keep the motivation up. I personaly tried to addept to American time to minimize the jet-lag.

On the first RTCW Quakecon in 2002 where you made your way into the finals against the CanadaDoctors there has been a lot of controversy about the final game. There have been complains about the game taking place very late when all players were tired and ice being played which wasn't really popular in europe at that time. Do you think that under different circumstances you could have taken the win in that match?

We had a very very hard time the months before Quakecon, we didn't know if we would go there at all until about two weeks before the tournament started. With Ivve and Wizz quiting the game during the summer due to personal reasons we had to recruit two new players. It ended up with Radical and Keen.
Instead of months we had days of preperation. The main thing for us at that time was to get into decent shape and focus on the "main" maps: With the map-structure, and seeding, we felt we could ignore Sub and focus on Base, Beach and get some practice on Ice. GermanyBoH and GermanyMTW where really good on beach, assault and base.
When we got to quakecon we got information that they'll switch the map rotation from sub-base-beach-assault-ice to base-sub-beach-assault-ice. That had a huge impact on the tournament.
We came to the final, physicaly and mentaly exhausted. The final would been very close if we have had a day rest but CanadaDoctors tactics and experience on Ice would make them a favourite no matter what. Sub really messed up things for the european teams, not ice:)

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iNfensus on parade in the Quakecon 2003 final against GMPO

Infensus has had a lot of lineups, players from noll8, KiH and GMPO as well as many other Swedes have once played under the tag. Which lineup do you consider the best?

I consider our first lineup as the strongest one. Ivve,Civ,Summ3l,Zam,Wizz and me

Yet every of those lineups had you, Swedenciv and Swedensumm3L - what do you think is it you bring to the game that made you so successful?

Both Summel and Civ are winners. They always performed when the heat was on.
I'd put it like this: Civ is the leader, Summel the teamplayer and i'm the Joker.

What is your greatest memory from your RTCW days?

Manage to get back from a earlie setback in quakecon 2002. Keen and Radical did a great job, really impressed by those two.

Are you still in touch with your old teammates? What are they doing at the moment?

Yes, some of them. Wizz is working and taking care of his baby, Summel is playing poker. Civ, Spear and Keen are working. Hombre and Radical were studing the last time i checked.

Did you follow the development of Wolfenstein that was meant to be a sequel to RTCW. What are your thoughts on it?

I haven't followed the development at all. I can't really say much about the game. I've heared romours that people weren't that happy with the end result

Are you playing any games right now? Or are you looking forward to any specific ones?

World of Warcraft, I really enjoy watching QL. Hope to see more of competitive QL in the future. I've considered to start playing QL myself. The game i'm looking forward to the most is Starcraft 2.

You are certainly one of the most famous players from the rtcw community, often mentioned when it's about the best players or the player with the best aim. However do your reallife friends or relatives have any idea about your online archievements or do you keep it a secret?

Most of them Know. It's hard to keep something that took so much time a secret.

You have won over 5500$ on the both quakecons you attended, how did you use the money?

Paying rent, vacation and such.

Is there any chance we will see an infensus reunion any day? :p

I don't think so, but you never know;)

Thanks for taking your time!