25th January will be remembered as a crucial day for United Kingdom Team YoYoTech. Numerous comments regarding recent roster change appeared on crossfire. What stands behind the decision of removing Belgium Jere from CIC7 lineup when the signups are closed? I have spoken with two key players in that case - United Kingdom R0SS and Belgium Jere, of course. They both answered on every question I asked. I hope this will give a fresh breath and help in making right judgements.


Hello R0SS. Let's start from your previous announcement. You had Xanah in your roster. What caused your lineup change then?

Unfortunately Xanah lost motivation with the game. It led us with a frantic search for a new player so close to lan, with mAus occasionally playing and then deciding he wanted to join rockit. Fortunately, we found the ideal replacement in twidi.

image: rossie

How did practice look like with known Finnish star?

We were all surprised how well twidi slotted in to the lineup. His aim is a lot better than we all thought, as for his experience and playstyle we already knew he was one of the best in the game. Our pracs started off great.

Did you have any discussion regarding team's main goals? Were they different for each player?

No, everyone had the goal of reaching top 3 minimum. We all thought that was a realistic target.

Have you faced any troubles that was ruining your practice schedule?

Many, various people had commitments that stopped us from being fully active. Toxic working at a hotel working various shifts meant some days we couldn't prac. The more noticeable in the past few weeks was jere lagging out ingame. He wouldn't be able to move for minutes and it was a constant problem and begain frustrating the team.

Can you please provide detailed story of Jere's problems?

He was experiencing huge lag problems for weeks now. He believed it was due to his neighbour also being a gamer. It got to the point where on a number of occasions we couldnt prac due to it.

Was it a crucial factor to remove him from your roster?

It was one of the main reasons. We discussed it weeks ago when wiadro was playing backup for us before he joined/was going to join rockit. We decided to stay loyal to jere and keep the faith in his ability. Unfortunately it got to the point where it was affecting the team's morale and we couldnt have a solid pracc.

When the decision was made and who told it to Jere?

Well, it was discussed between us last nigt after a prac vs rockit where wiadro totally dominated. We also had to play with a merc for jere. We discussed it and slept on it, it wasnt a quick or easy decision. Finally with the exception of worm, we decided as a team we would replace him.

When have you contacted wiaderko and whose idea it was?

It was last night after the game. I came up with the idea after noticing the teams motivation dropping. I contacted wiaderko and it went from there.

How about payment issue? Did Jere pay anything?

No, due to the sponsorship from YYT, Jere had paid no money. Also for the record, wiaderko was struggling for money, we could offer him more than rockit (not to sound ego or offensive). Wiaderko was considering not even going. He shouldnt be blamed for the situation.

Do you think you will have to face other internal problems, eg. Worm's opinion? Did he accept the decision made by YYT?

He didn't like the decision but accepted that it was 3 in favour of the decision. Not to say all 3 of us wanted to do it or jumped at the opportunity, it just had to be done. I believe after a few days once the flame has stopped to an extent, the problems will be over and done with. I just hope that the constant whine and flame from the community doesnt affect the players too much. I'm confident it won't. But it's not nice blaming people when the decisions don't have anything to do with the people actually flaming

image: bg53hqcqu96pf4f5c

How would you comment this?

I was in game with an opponent. Had received pms from numerous ppl showing clowns reaction. I was gonna tell him the story but was pretty stupid of me to begin the conversation like that and not get the chance to end it (due to being ingame). I apologise to Clown and Jere for the comment, wasn't meant to be offensive.

Any final words?

I'd just like to say that it wasn't an easy decision. Jere is a great guy and a great rifle and I hope he finds the suitable team. I want to say to all the haters that it was best for the team's performance and most players/teams have done it before. Its just a shame it had to be done so close to the lan. Again apologies to anyone that was offended x.


Well, let's start from your previous announcement. You had Xanah in your roster. What caused your lineup change then?

Well, joof didnt really fit into the team. He wasn't happy with YYT and YYT wasn't happy with him, so it was better to split up and search someone else.

image: jere

Allright. What about Xanah?

He didn't like the game anymore and had real life things to do. The team loved him and he loved the team, but he just couldn't go on with ET he said.

I see. You had a problem with Worm moving between Sleeperz and YYT. Finally, he has decided to continue with YYT. Xanah was swapped with twidi, who was also in Sleeperz range of interest. Were you satisfied with that lineup change?

Ye, I was extremely happy with worm and twidi. 2 great guys with huge skills.

How did your practice outcome look like?

Well, we were playing decent in pracs. Not too good, not too bad. As long as we had 5 on the servers and not lagging ones it went more than ok imo.

What was the reason you were removed from YYT roster after signups for CIC7 are closed?

According to R0SS and toxic it's lag. But imo you can't kick someone for a few days of lag. I think they just realised wiaderko is better than me or so. You shold ask them I guess :D

Removing a team leader in such timing looks at least weird. What actions you're going to take?

I was not really the leader, don't think we actually had a leader or so. I won't be raging (like fucking up their server/hotel/whatever :D), I'll just chill and look for another team. I'm simply really disapointed in them (mainly R0SS and toxic).

image: bg53hqcqu96pf4f5c

How would you comment this?

[23:40:04] [JereCLESS]: that quote vs clown is kinda pathetic m8 :p
So let's use the word 'pathetic'.

Won't that situation break a relationship between you and Worm?

Hmm, I know he's not behind the desicion and he's already regretting it. He might just quit ET or so, don't know yet. He was in a really bad position in this case, I hope people won't flame him anymore...

I know from R0SS that wiadro was playing a backup spot for you guys for a while. Haven't you thought your position is not strong?

Well I was surprised when they took me over wiaderko last month. But I've been playing quite ok, apart from the lag. So didn't see this one incoming. Especially now, 1 month before cic7, I thought things like this won't happen anymore, but then ... :D

What are you going to do now? Any future plans?

Well I'm looking for a CIC7 team which can compete at top-5 or top-8. We'll see what happens.

Anything more you'd like to add?

Grtz to Worm <3 :D Oh- small update on Worm. He just told me he's quiting ET.

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