My first interview. A quick chat with Hungary BoRi.

image: hpim2800wwwkepfeltoltes

Hi BoRi, for those who don’t know you, could you introduce yourself?

Hi! My name is Zsolt "BoRi" Borbély. I am 24, living in Budapest, I just finished the school and currently looking for job. I broke up with my girlfriend recently so I have some freetime to play again. :)

How did you get in touch with ET and why did you choose this nickname?

One of my friends showed me this game. Back then I didn't have internet, after a while when I bought a pc and internet too I started to play with this friend. We played on fueldump only server for 6months. I didn't know about serious gaming, clans and stuff. I am of those few who never finish RTCW singleplayer. Later I started to play on hungarian publics too, that was the time when I started to play in a clan too. My friends call me Bori in IRL so that's why I chose this nickname.

You were many times the capitan of Team-Hungary, what do you think why can't Hungary achieve success?

Well I had hard times when my friend CS4f1 said that he won't lead team-hungary anymore. I was waiting maybe someone will replace him but then I had to take over his place because lack of signups. There are more than only one reason for not being successful with team-hungary. Just to mention conflicts between players like I don't play with this guy and etc. This way I couldn't get the strongest six players to play together. We weren't lucky most of the times, If I remember correclty we alsways were in the same group with the later winners, the players weren't motivated enough. We are the nation where the team moral is always bad. Last NC where u led the Hungary the team didn't pracc, but we weren't that bad.

People say that "ET is dead". Do you think it really is? Or when and why will this game die?

This is what you read everyday on crossfire for 3 years. This is bullshit. There are still alots of good active teams. As long as people make cups, leagues (cb, esl etc.) and lans this game will be alive. Players who play for long time are not playing for the money, they play because it's fun. There are no other games like rtcw/et.

What's your plans with ET in the future ?

To be honest I don't have big plans. I hope if everything goes alright we can attend with a hungarian team on some LAN, for example the Croatia Croatian LAN. Maybe qualify to the next EC. And a RTCW plan to win RTCW NC, which is Hungary Isl4m's dream :)

Do you like playing Deffensive or Offensive?

I like playing agressive more, but I can't use it everytime because of my positions.

What's your favourite class?

I am a real multiclasser. I played every class over the years, but my favourite is field ops with aggressive gamestyle, being a rambo medic suits for me too and ofc Panzer :) Nowadays I am playing rifle too :P

What would your dream-team be ? (old/new players too)

Hungarian: Hungary adze, dest, polarka, CS4f1, myself Hungary

Foreigner: Sweden feruS, Estonia Night, Estonia Reload, Germany butchji, United Kingdom Sheep

Favourite clan? (old/new)

I don't have a favourite clan, but playing vs. Estonia idle was always great because they are not an ego clan, they always supported us with advices.

Best medic?
Germany butchji

Best Fops?
Belgium Worm

Best Rifle?
Estonia Night

Best Solider?
Sorry Spain Winghaven, but it's me imo :)

Favourite book?
Kama Sutra

Favourite food?
pizza, french fries

Favourite animal?

Jägermeister, brandy

Favourite Player?
Sweden feruS

Favourite Game (besides ET) ?