The Eurocup is fully on it's way and we had the CPC2 last month. Now there have been a lot of discussion about who is the best ET team at the moment. Some say there are three teams fighting for the Eurocup title at the moment... Dignitas, TLR and Impact. Others say Polar has a good chance too. Maybe even Cadre.

Now United Kingdom Evan has tried to form an ET Ranking once. I don't know why he didn't continue but it had one downside. It was based on his interpretation of the value of a match. And a ranking shouldn't be based on interpretation but on facts. That's why I have made my own ET Ranking.

The system is simple... I have searched an gathered all the results from the ET CPC2 Tournament and the current Eurocup. So the rankings contains all teams that were active in those competitions. No more, no less. I used the won and lost rounds statistics to make a Rounds ratio. When you divide this ratio by the amount of matches played, you get a score. This can never be bigger then 4.00 or lower then - 4.00. The score is used for the ranking. So the team with the highest score is number one on the ranking etc...

As I said before I used the scores of the CPC2 and the Eurocup. In the future I'm not sure what competitions to use because not all teams compete in every competition. I think the rankings will be featuring the competitions that have a high amount of teams that are allready enlisted on the ranking table.

There are a few things I have to point out to evade misunderstandings.

1. This ranking is based on FACTS. There are no personal preferences used in the process of composing this ranking.

2. There was a difficulty with the One.Soldier, Zerobarrier teams. In the rankings there are "One.LAN" and "Zerobarrier". One.LAN is the team that played on CPC2 under the name of One.Soldier. Zerobarrier is the team that played under the name Zerobarrier on CPC2 and under the name One.Soldier on Eurocup. Since most players of the One.Soldier team that was playing in the Eurocup were from the Zerobarrier team of the CPC2. I hope you understand my explanation...

3. Altough Morrigu played one match in the Eurocup and then dropped, I didn't insert that score into the ranking. Nor did I give a forfeit round to TLR, Polar and Incomplete.
So basically Morrigu just didn't play Eurocup just like the Clanbase Site indicates.

4. I know some teams enlisted here were mix teams for the CPC2 and are dead now but I think they should still be mentioned on this ranking since they played at a high level event.