image: mppws

After the recent release of Mazarini's recent hit fragmovie "Mazarini & Paradox: Play with Soul", which is now rated as the #1 movie to be released on crossfire, I caught up with the Czech Call of Duty 4 player,

Q: Hello Mazarini, for those who do not know you please introduce yourself

A: Hello, my name is Nikolai Lazarev, im 21 and live in Czech. I study engineering which is horrible boring, so i decided to self-learn graphics and started making fragmovies

Q: Your recent movie "Mazarini & Paradox: Play With Soul" is receiving a good response already, give us an idea of what you did for this movie - I hear you finished the movie once then started again from scratch?

A: Ye :P I started like 1.5 years back, I did the movie called Mazarini 3 but I just didnt feel it finished how Y wanted, it wasnt anything what people would remember for long time, whats the point of releasing it then? So I deleted everything and started from scratch, Paradox asked me if I need his frags so I started making DUO-MOVIE. I always worked basically just in Sony Vegas as everyone, so I spent half year of learning 3D Max and advanced After Effects and another half year of working on my movie... i wanted to make something different and I got idea to make somekind of story but with humour, because I think most of moviemakers forgot about that and I wanted to make something different. I had a lot of delays but finally it came out and im glad people appreciated how much work I put in that movie.

"Mazarini & Paradox: Play With Soul"

Q: You and Paradox seem to be great players, how long have you been playing FPS games, did it all start with CoD4 or did you come from any of the other games?

A: I started playing CoD1 on the end of scene and moved to CoD2 when it came out, we werent bad but nothing extra aswell compared with europe so I switched immediatly to CoD4 when it came out (: I never played competitive any other game, well I dont play any other games anyway, I just dont have time, especially latelly. We are playing just like 10-12 hours/week and its enough for me

Q: You are currently playing fo eSuba, which is recognised as the best czech gaming team out there - how does it make you feel playing alongside so many of your countrymen?

A: You know after so many years in gaming....... you dont really care, I really loved competitive gaming few years back, but last year or so im playing just because I LOVE traveling to LANs, thats the only reason why I am still playing.

Q: Enemy Territory has gone through quite a lot of changes, and the game is completely different to just over a year ago attracting back teams like Dignitas and bringing new names into the game like Rage Gaming as well as a few other MGC's, could you ever see eSuba being represented within Enemy Territory?

A: I think eSuba had ET already once, not sure why it ended tho. I played Enemy Territory just few hours in my life, but I dont see any tournaments from it latelly :O Last time it was CiC7 if im not mistaken. So i dont know to much about ET (: But i was always amazed how dedicated your scene was and anything is possible.

Q: What is next for you? any upcoming competition you and your team mates are practicing for? are we going to see any more fragmovies from you in the future?

A: Well as a team we are practicing from time to time, you know after so much years in gaming, you dont need to go on public and warm up, so we can just play mostly official matches only. Fortunatelly in CoD4 there are a lot of tournaments, So we have to play something nearly every day. And I hope we will go on some LAN aswell soon. About movies? I think I am more like moviemaker than player now, and ye I will continue, but I really want to move to real live video, I trying to find some good camera and i will be unstoppable!:D

Thanks for your time, Mazarini, if you have any shout outs this is where they go!

Ye thank you (: thanks for writing it up. I hope you guys enjoy my new movie, I spent a really a lot of time, to sync every move, gunshot, to make the storlyine behind it, a lot of jokes and easter eggs hidden in movie ( anyone noticed Homer Simpson or boxxy? (: There are like 20 of them ) Thanks again!

No problem Nikolai, thanks for your answers :)