There aren't enough interviews on Crossfire. The most recent was almost 3 months ago and we'll need another 4 interviews posted after this one before we finally manage to displace Sloveniam1ke and Sloveniab1bub4bu from the front-page.

Consequently, I present to you an all encompassing interview with the much maligned AnonymousAnime Linux Nerd Club clique. Answering my questions will be:

United KingdomBaggiez (yes I'll be answering my own questions)
United KingdomMeez

image: s_head

Your all-time dream lineup? (6v6)

United KingdomBaggiez: EstoniaNight, EstoniaRELOAd, ItalyXyLoS, Germanybutchji, BelgiummAus, AustriaPotter - I don't see how a team couldn't have Night or reload given the consistent success they've had. Xylos best ever rifle, mAus & butchji best ever aimers and Potter would be my choice for eng smg.
United KingdomMeez: Finlandmystic, BelgiummAus, FinlandXpaz, ItalyXyLoS, EstoniaNight, NetherlandsViax - I'm basing this on people I've played with before, and Viax is the best supporting medic I've ever played with. Night and XyLoS are no brainers. Xpaz was a monster and makes a sick eng smg.
NetherlandsAzatej: RussiaArmadon, RomaniaNymphora, Random heroes - (Aza enjoys Heroes of Newerth)
Netherlandsperfo: Finlandmystic, FinlandXpaz, ItalyXyLoS, EnglandMztik, EstoniaNight, NetherlandsAzatej - Based on playing with them before or in some cases because you can't really miss them out. Clarifications not really needed I suppose but here goes anyway: I picked mystic because I think he is the hardest player to kill in the game and has some of the nicest positioning/gameplay. Xpaz is the best engineer, only players I think you can compare to him are Sheep and ENSAM in later days (don't really consider anyone else as good as them playing engineer). XyLoS or Raveneye was a hard pick but seeing as I've played with XyLoS before I had to show a bro some love. Mztik because he is amazing to play with and a really steady SMG-multiclasser (yes such a thing exists). Night for obvious reasons and the fact he makes teams win. Azatej because not only is he one of the best aimers ET has ever had (maybe the best) but also one of the best team players (I went there).
NetherlandsteKoa: Finlandmystic, SwedenferuS, FinlandXpaz, ItalyXyLoS, EstoniaNight, NetherlandsAzatej - Why no reviving medics you ask? This team doesn't need them.
Polanddialer: GermanysNoOp, Germanybutchji, FinlandXpaz, ItalyXyLoS, Netherlandsperfo, NetherlandsAzatej
Polandwiaderko: EstoniaNight, EstoniaRELOAd, FinlandXpaz, NetherlandsAzatej, Netherlandsperfo, NetherlandsteKoa

Which was the team you fanboyed when you first got into ET?

United KingdomBaggiez: FinlandDSky
United KingdomMeez: SwedeniNfensus
NetherlandsAzatej: Finlandgunslingers
Netherlandsperfo: FinlandParodia
NetherlandsteKoa: Finlandgunslingers
Polanddialer: Europesaevus
Polandwiaderko: Estoniaidle

Player whose gamestyle you dislike playing against the most, and why?

United KingdomBaggiez: I hate playing against players like Polandpalemki, they are everything that is wrong with ET in 2011. Defending their own spawn for 19 seconds and selfkilling, or camping outside main gate on supply to get 2x backrape frags on opponents short spawn then dying to grenade on longspawn and thinking they've helped their team. No, you didn't help your team. You're a fucking hindrance.
United KingdomMeez: Any of the defensive aimers, e.g. BelgiummAus. Even when I know exactly what they will be doing I will often still die to them.
NetherlandsAzatej: That guy that plays rifle a lot, he seems to be really skilled because I keep dying to him.
Netherlandsperfo: GermanyhuNta. Example of his master strategies: pick nade, rush cave, throw nade, selfkill. Throw selfkill, nade. Nade nade nade nade selfkill. Kill entire team, rush in for flag, selfkill anyway just because. Probably one of the weirdest gamestyles I've ever encountered in 7 years of ET.
NetherlandsteKoa: Rifle(s) that practised trickshots for 24/7 on a private server for the last 7 years.
Polanddialer: Finlandolbaa, Finlandsquall and so on camping players
Polandwiaderko: FinlandolBaa, camping in the most ridiculous places on every map.

Most annoying user on Crossfire?

United KingdomBaggiez: banga
United KingdomMeez: Dunno, I just ignorelist those who are really annoying.
NetherlandsAzatej: Baggie
Netherlandsperfo: pala aka LiverpoolChampions
NetherlandsteKoa: Dunno
Polanddialer: robaciek
Polandwiaderko: Baggiez + all 'xoxoxoxox' faggots

Favourite map?

United KingdomBaggiez: Radar
United KingdomMeez: Bremen, after SNB taught everyone else how to play it.
NetherlandsAzatej: Supply
Netherlandsperfo: Supply
NetherlandsteKoa: Radar
Polanddialer: et_ice
Polandwiaderko: Supply

Worst map?

United KingdomBaggiez: Delivery. First stage is a waste of time. Second stage you either get leaned or rifled.
United KingdomMeez: Delivery after SNB picked it in a LAN WB final despite it being our worst map and getting raped.
NetherlandsAzatej: Frostbite and Braundorf
Netherlandsperfo: Delivery and Braundorf
NetherlandsteKoa: Adlernest, Braundorf, Frostbite, Delivery
Polanddialer: None
Polandwiaderko: Delivery

Plans for ET and gaming in general after this summer’s LAN events?

United KingdomBaggiez: Depends how active the scene is ... I'm still waiting for the promised 5-6 LAN events per year that 5v5 brings.
United KingdomMeez: At this juncture I'm not even sure if I'll be making it to any LAN events! I'm working at quite a few festivals so that's many weeks of my summer already occupied. When I'm not working I'll probably be at my parents place so chilling, stomping in HoN and casting ET.
NetherlandsAzatej: Continue playing games.
Netherlandsperfo: I guess I'm gonna stop playing ET as much as I am now (not a lot) as I'm getting quite fed up with playing. I guess I'll keep playing some games, probably some flavour-of-the-month SP game.
NetherlandsteKoa: Just go with the flow.
Polanddialer: Keep on playing and have fun for as long as possible
Polandwiaderko: Much plans.

What other games do you play apart from ET?

United KingdomBaggiez: Starcraft II, HoN, CS:S
United KingdomMeez: I play ET!? Anyway over Easter I played a lot of HoN and CS:S (and did merc for WinFakt a couple of times) but I don't think they even work on my current internet connection. At the moment it's only FIFA with the lads.
NetherlandsAzatej: HoN, Mahjong, flavour of the month SP game.
Netherlandsperfo: HoN, CS:S
NetherlandsteKoa: HoN, CS:S
Polanddialer: Guild Wars, HoN, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, CS:S
Polandwiaderko: HoN, CS:S

What other games did you used to enjoy before you got into ET?

United KingdomBaggiez: n64 games when I was a bit younger. I played RTCW for a year or so before I moved to ET.
United KingdomMeez: I was mostly playing Quake I guess, and the classic Soldier of Fortune. I used to play in the Jolt Q3TDM leagues with a real life friend and had a Quakeworld Team Fortress team. I didn't like ET at all until I played in a couple of wars.
NetherlandsAzatej: Console games mostly. On the PC I used to play C&C games until it destroyed my soul.
Netherlandsperfo: I played console games only pretty much. My favourite games are Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, both NES Zelda's, Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask and Super Smash Brothers: Melee. I guess it's not very hard to guess what type of games I like now. I got into ET when I was playing the SSBM minigames quite actively and was pretty far up on the GameFAQs rankings. Back then I played under a different alias though.
NetherlandsteKoa: Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion and Ragnarok Online.
Polanddialer: CS 1.3 , RTCW , Quake3
Polandwiaderko: Diablo 2, CS 1.4/1.5

A little-known site which you visit and you think more people should know about?

United KingdomBaggiez:
United KingdomMeez:

What is the most outrageous thing you've ever done?

United KingdomBaggiez: Raced a taxi from a club to my Uni house. In the pitch black of night I ran full-speed into a bench, went flying through the air and landed in the mud. I fell asleep where I lay and returned home at 9am with a bitch of a limp. Needless to say, the taxi won.
United KingdomMeez: Punched a guy in a wheelchair.
NetherlandsAzatej: I tried anal masturbation while playing a 3on3 once.
Netherlandsperfo: Internet-wise I made Azatej download SF2 which turned out to be a virus which made his PC go mental. Took him 3 days of max-gutted to come back online. This was mid-holidays so that added salt to the wound. I also once dropped in a massive vert while skateboarding after coming back from the pool. My eyes were all chlorined up so I tried wiping them because they stung but I didn't realise by this time I actually was mid-drop so I bailed like an absolute dog.
NetherlandsteKoa: Punched a guy in a wheelchair.
Polanddialer: Too many things happened in my life to choose one best :{D
Polandwiaderko: At CC6 I fell out of my bed, split my eyebrow open and I still have no clue how that happened.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

United KingdomBaggiez: Still involved with gaming I reckon, hopefully working with online marketing.
United KingdomMeez: Graduated with a masters in Physics, hopefully spending some time outside of the UK.
NetherlandsAzatej: Dead.
Netherlandsperfo: In the mirror.
NetherlandsteKoa: Still playing ET.
Polanddialer: Winning WCG 2016 with ALNC in all games possible
Polandwiaderko: No idea.

Your favourite movie(s)?

United KingdomBaggiez: The Usual Suspects
United KingdomMeez: 500 Days of Summer
NetherlandsAzatej: Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
Netherlandsperfo: Fight Club, The Green Mile, Silence of the Lambs. When I pick out a movie to watch just for fun I prefer watching horror over anything else.
NetherlandsteKoa: Gladiator and Scarface
Polanddialer: Léon The Professional
Polandwiaderko: The Shawshank Redemption

What time do you usually wake up?

United KingdomBaggiez: Anywhere between 10am-2pm
United KingdomMeez: Anytime between 12am and 12pm I guess. Today I woke up at 7 and went for a run but I don't see it being a regular occurrence.
NetherlandsAzatej: I don't have a sleeping schedule, I wake up whenever. I try waking up around 22cet, though.
Netherlandsperfo: I try to keep a schedule somewhat acceptable but I guess it's between 8am and 4pm. It really depends on what my week looks like.
NetherlandsteKoa: Anytime between 11:00 and 13:00
Polanddialer: Whenever I got enough of sleeping
Polandwiaderko: 1pm

What is your biggest fear/phobia?

United KingdomBaggiez: Heights
United KingdomMeez: Being a hipster
NetherlandsAzatej: Spiders
Netherlandsperfo: I used to be afraid of dogs (yep), got charged as a little kid, but that wavered with time and now I'm pretty much fine with them. I have fear of heights and get vertigo very easily.
NetherlandsteKoa: Mouse, especially Logitech G9X.
Polanddialer: Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy, Put my glasses on, Im out the door - Im gonna hit this city ... and than realise i got dick up my ass and that i passed out at some fag party
Polandwiaderko: Armadon & Nymphora lane...

Who is the most annoying person you've ever played games with?

United KingdomBaggiez: Shuki.
United KingdomMeez: Shuki.
NetherlandsAzatej: Shuki.
Netherlandsperfo: Shuki.
NetherlandsteKoa: Shuki.
Polanddialer: Shuki.
Polandwiaderko: Shuki.

Disclaimer: This may look like a joke, as if everyone has put shuki just to spite him. However, all answers were given independently and sincerely. Shuki genuinely is the most annoying person any of us have ever played games with.

How much do your friends know of your gaming habits?

United KingdomBaggiez: I used to keep gaming on the low but in the last few years I've embraced my inner-nerd and now pretty much all of my friends know I spend damn near all my time on the computer playing games. They really don't care and some of them even think it's pretty cool. I think it's pretty sad how many people are ashamed to tell their own friends what they do every night.
United KingdomMeez: I've actually been writing a column on a pretty similar subject to this... the social side of gaming that is. My policy is generally don't mention it unless asked about it but I really don't mind talking about it if people are interested. I wear my ROCKIT shirt regularly for sports because it's a great athletic shirt so all the people I live with know I travelled to Europe to play video games. A couple of months ago England foonr visited me for a night out with both my best friend and my girlfriend, I introduced him as a guy I used to play games with and we had a great time. It's really not a big deal and most people don't give a shit, but for some reason on crossfire it seems most people will lie/go to lengths to keep their gamer status hidden. At least, I think so anyway.
NetherlandsAzatej: Friends?
Netherlandsperfo: I don't keep it secret really.
NetherlandsteKoa: Friends?
Polanddialer: They all know about it and are cool with it.
Polandwiaderko: My friends know that I 'like' to play PC games and they don't have any objections about that.

Any shoutouts?

United KingdomBaggiez: nebu, hentai, TosspoT, Doc, Ste, Jon, Pilch, Ronner, Maverick, herbal, winfakt, everyone else in this interview, noodle, keith, breeze, mayni, razbo, owzo, unblind
United KingdomMeez: Scarzy, foonr, sock, Mashed, Baggiez, rahul... and anyone else I have had drinks with recently.
NetherlandsAzatej: TEKOAAAAA
Netherlandsperfo: None
NetherlandsteKoa: AZATEJ
Polanddialer: h2k/ecw/alnc/winfakt/skk/krp/tmoe
Polandwiaderko: ALNC/skk & MM/KRP members
image: s_head

image: 307n9d5
+ NetherlandsAzatej & United KingdomMeez