[center]Next Evolution Netherlands Rick caught up with Belgium Jere, the current rifle from their Enemy Territory team for an interview. Enjoy the read!

image: 2hp4som[/center]

Q: Hello Jere, Welcome to this interview - For those who don't know you yet, can you please introduce yourself?
A: Hi guys, I'm Jeroen 'Jere' Van Gool. I'm 20 years old, studying Computer Science at Leuven University. I'm having exams atm and I'm not really enjoying it :). In my spare time I love to play football/tennis/ET/QL & going out with friends (bar/cinema/poker/pool/u name it).

Q: You're not a stranger inside the Enemy Territory community, could you tell me when and how you started to play Enemy Territory?
A: I got told to install the game by 2 friends from school when I was about 15 years old I think. We sucked at the game but we enjoyed the game very much. Later on I went playing with guys I don't know irl and after some while I arrived at the FiF team. We worked our way into the high scene pretty well with that team.

Q: FiF has been the team were you've been playing several years. Why have you been choosing this team?
A: Well I started of playing for FiF Yellow, a good low+ team back then. My aiming wasn't very accurate, so that's why I picked up the rifle-stick after a while. I was improving quite fast and as FiF Green needed a new rifle they decided to pick me up. From there on we started playing and having fun on ventrilo. I really enjoyed my time with the team untill CC6, after this LAN it all kinda felt apart due to people having other things to do and having less interest in the game.

Q: Since you joined FiF Green things changed pretty fast for you as rifle. You guys have been split up several times over the years, how was this possible even though the team was pretty stable?
A: As I said motivation was the biggest factor for this to happen. At some points some people were more motivated than others, resulting into conflict. I'd like to stress the fun-aspect of this team though, we certainly had a great time, but unfortunately it's over and I don't see another comeback in the future.

Q: Currently, you are playing with a Belgian lineup. Who created the team, and what did you think about it when you received the offer?
A: Chry created the team as imag wanted him to make a team for NEVO. As undead, sup3r and me weren't very pleased with our current teams and we really enjoyed our Team Belgium games, we decided to make this move. At first we were playing with abort, but we didn't really felt confident with him. Lio came in as 5th and now we're ready to go to SAGE

Q: Recently you took Lio as a 5th, hows Lio's shape lately?
A: He's been doing more than I expected of him yet. His aiming is decent and he feels the game very well. He can really make the difference with a suprising action.

Q: A lot of people have high expectations of you at SAGE, are you confident with living up those expectations?
A: I'm quite confident we'll reach the good old top-5 spot once again, but that's not what we are aiming for. As dignitas & Anexis are struggling at the moment, there's an opportunity for some teams to win the lan. In the end I see them both ending top-3, up to one of the other teams to take the last top-3 spot. We hope to be that team =).

Q: In the past you've been attending various LAN events. Which events have you been with, what teams, and which was the best in your opinion?
A: I've been to CDC4 CC5 CC6 & E-Series with FiF, to CC7 with Phantoms and to AEF with Overload. At CC5 & CC6 I had the most fun with my fif-mates. AEF was the most profesional and prepared lan.

Q: Recently announced that there won't be another LAN this year even though Enemy Territory has changed to 5on5. What does the team think about this, and what is your personal opinion?
A: We regret this very much as it's an ideal lan for us to go to considering it would've taken place at Antwerp. Further more we look forward to other upcoming LANs like the Phenix one or NEVO creating a new lan next year. We also hope for maybe another E-Series or an OOF for ET. We're not too bothered with online competitions, LANs will be our main goal.

Q: Seeing the current state of Enemy Territory, do you think that 5on5 has really changed a lot in Enemy Territory?
A: Changing from 6v6 to 5v5 wasn't easy for the ET Community. Many LANs were promised and well, so far only AEF was added to the LAN events for ET. I do think 5v5 is playable and makes it more tricky to play. (for example a full spawn or a big mistake can cost u more in 5v5 than in 6v6). I hope for more LANs in the future though.

Q: Your team is currently playing for the organization Next Evolution. ESC. What do you think about this organization, and do they fit the teams requirements?
A: It's the most lovely organization I've been in so far. Managers don't think they're too powerfull to talk to their players, they talk with us about serious and about bullshit things :P. We're very happy to have the support we're getting right now.

Q: I'd like to ask you some questions regarding the upcoming LAN event, SAGE. What are you expectations regarding this LAN?
A: I'm expecting more or less the same lan as a normal CC lan. Seeding cup seems well organized as well as the event itself. Let's hope the map winning the mappingcontest will be a decent addition to the current maplist.

Q: You've been performing pretty good at the seeding tournament. What are your expectations about the playoff brackets?
A: We're aiming at one of the first 4 spots. It will be an interesting tournament for sure!

We're almost at the end of this interview, but there is still some things left which I'd like to ask:

Q: Whats the best and the worst memory you have of this game?
A: Worst: Losing to SNB with 1 second on supply & 7 seconds on bremen at CC6 WB Semi-Final. Being this close to a top-3 spot and then losing it with seconds was kinda frustrating, altough we played pretty good, as online we never stood a chance vs SNB around that time. After that we met dignitas at the LB instantly btw :P.
Best: My 8-man frag versus dignitas in thath LB match :P. Further more I just liked to play at CC6 the most and latest NC was enjoyable too.

Q: Whats the best achievement of your career, and whats the biggest disappointment?
A: Best achievement should be last NationsCup, especially the final was great, both for me and the team. Biggest disappointment was AEF where we werent prepared good enough to perform like we wanted.

Q: Which teams was the best/worst you've played with, and why?
A: Best: Team Belgium. We didn't even need pracs to understand each other and aimingwise the guys were brilliant. FiF was a great team too, focusing more on teamplay, but I do feel we lacked a bit of aimpower especially after Worm left ET.
Worst: ORC, the clan where it all started :)

Q: So with this question being answered we've come to the end of this interview. Are there any shoutouts, or greetings?
A: Shoutout to everyone of nevo & fif <3.