I caught up with K1ck.et/Squad.ee members for an interview. Enjoy.

For those whom don't know you, can you please tell us your name and a bit about you?

Hi, my name is Eduard "mant" I, I'm 20 years old and I live in the summercapital of Estonia - Pärnu.

My name is Jürgen"JyrkZ"M and I come from Estonia.
I am studying in Tallinn school of economics and business administration.
I used to play tennis and visit gym but in the last couple of months my only hobbies have been drinking, smoking and playing ET.

Where does your nick come from?

My nick is a slang for weed in Estonia :D

When I started playing ET I played with a nick called Noobown3r.After playing clanwars with my friends who changed their nicks all the time
I also wanted to have a new nickname. At first I tried Jürka, but then I wanted to have a name with a big Z, so I chose JyrkZ and that
has been my ET nickname for 5 years or something.

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How long have you been playing ET, and exactly how did you got into it?

I've been playing ET since 2004 and I first saw it at my friends house, where I tried it and instantly liked it.

I started playing in February 2004.
One day at school my classmates were talking about some new cool game. After schoolday was over I visited one of my classmates(sC*boxer).
At first I didn´t like this game because I couldn´t manage to get any frags but after we made some competition with my classmates about who gets more XP
in one map then I really liked it because I won that competition.

What is so special about ET that you are still playing it?

I guess the main reason, I still enjoy ET, is that the players I play it with, are awesome and make the game awesome for me.

There are nice cups in clanbase and ESL which keep this game alive.Also it is fun to own some noobs in 3vs3 sometimes.

Did you ever expect to get on this level or you came into it with "having fun kind of thing"?

I never expected anything, I just played and played with my friends and suddenly we were playing EC, NC etc.
The main priority has always been fun :P

At first I didn´t expect any level on this game since I didn´t play much computer games before.But after lots of good performances in clanwars
I always wanted to get better and better and so I got into this level.

How did things with squad.ee started? How did you get there?

I don't know the exact story how the clan got started, because that was in 2005, but I got there, because I knew JyrkZ in
reallife and he invited me to merc 1 game and right after I merced, he invited me to the clan.

It all started in 2005 when me, Estoniasac and Estoniafabio played 3vs3 clanwars together.We had many clannames like sick Creatures, Guru,team-rEgal.
After we managed to get rank 2 in 3vs3 Clanbase Europe ladder we didn´t want to play any more wars with team-rEgal so we decided to make a
new clan into clanbase to play some more wars.So after discussing about the clanname a bit with my teammate Estoniasac we knew that SQUAD.EE is the best name
for us and we recruited more talents to our clan to play 6vs6 wars.We had lots of pauses and breakups but after 5vs5 format came out we started
to beat many clans that we couldn´t beat before.

Speaking about SAGE Lan, who do you think will win it and why*?

I have no idea, who is gonna win and that actually is a good thing for me, every other LAN it has usually been digni/TLR
but now there are atleast 4 teams who can compete for the 1st place.

Anexis because they have been very stable for a very long time already and they have pracced alot.

If you could change something in ET, what would you want to change?

I would bring 6on6 back.

I would remove pronedelay because ET was more fun without pronedelay.

Which team impressed you the most when you have started playing ET?

Well that's easy, idle.ee!

Estoniaidle.ee, since they were owning everyone.

What do you think about 5vs5 format? Was 6vs6 better?

5v5 sucks. There are so many reasons why 6vs6 is better and there have been numerous journals explaining why.
My biggest reason is that nowadays people don't actually think, how to attack or defend, you just have 5 rushing guys everywhere,
doing crazy stupid shit, which in 6on6 would have been useless.

No I don´t think 6vs6 was better because there was more spam and not so much aim and skill needed.
I like 5vs5 format more also because I am more 3vs3 kind of player.

About your achievements, which is the most important for you?

Don't know if you can count EC 4th place as an achievement, but it was the first EC for all of our team and we managed to get 4th
place + the final match for the top3 we had vs impact, was absolutely amazing.

4th @ Eurocup XXI since everyone were whining that SQUAD even got to EUROCUP and predicted that we wouldn´t even pass groupstage.

What is the most memorable match that you have played and why?

There are 2 - Firstly the match vs impact for top3 in EC, we won adler in 2 sec and had an amazing main push in radar to get the west parts and in supply we had 8 mins to get the gold and escape but sadly failed :( secondly - Est vs POL, where we had to win 3 maps and every map we rolled over them, was fun :)

I have 2 most memorable matches. One was Eurocup XXI match SQUAD.EE vs Impact gaming when there was decider map supply(They set time around 13 minutes) and 8 minutes on the clock when we already had destroyed depot gate but Xylos saved the day for them and we couldn´t get any further from there and lost.
2nd match is ESTONIA vs POLAND when Poland got overran in every map.I even remember that in adlernest we set 1.02 time.

What do you think about today's ET scene?

I guess I can't complain, atleast the game is still alive :)

Today´s ET scene has gone smaller but It is good that the main faces stay.

Some quick questions:

What is the best lineup of all time?
too much choices, can't do it! I guess Night and teKoa would be in it.
Biggest inspiration in ET?
Most Overrated player?
Most Underrated player?

What is the best lineup of all time?
Old Estoniau96d lineup
Biggest inspiration in ET?
Most Overrated player?
Most Underrated player?

What advice would you give to new players?

I guess, stop playing pubs and try to get into a clan of somekind :D

Prac hard against better opponents and go pro.

We've come to the end of this interview, do you have any shoutouts?


To mikehh for wanting to do this interview :) JyrkZ, raul, subb, sac, popz, mAnki, freeze, mata, fangs, hell, bff, al, Ince, x3nja, Edgar + #glitz, ludA, Sinnu, mattias, Night and all other eestis I've played with, then
to aphesia, lightning, rimi, + all other taggers, to miNd, caej, walle, magico + #delinquentes.et, monkey, Sh1zzle and his clan, sTOWNAGE, k2k, Pox, esti, Leonneke, crittie, nuggan, nordan, slajdan, emorej, frozz, kamz, loazis, rise, violy
#Squad.ee :)

All the members of SQUAD.EE and ex members of SQUAD.EE.

#Squad.ee :)

*Interview was made before SAGE

#team-decerto / Team Decerto site / Interview on Team Decerto site