image: etivew

With forming an impressive team playing under his own nick and beeing one of the finest rifles around I thought it is time to give you an insight view with our next "Getting to know the game...r" series about Finland miNd!

We just have seen a new high quality team playing with your nick as clan tag but before you`ll elaborate about this topic please give us a short introduction about the one and only real miNd!

I'm Marko, better known as miNd on our beloved cf-community. I started ET around the end on 2004, got into it by my cousin who showed the game for me and been playing since! Moved into etpro 2006 and pretty much got into competition gaming. My first real clan was KRP.ET - I actually joined them 24.12.2006, how cool day is that?

After that it`s been all good always, I got into the top by playing with mASCULINE_MANs and winning CB Eurocup and other competitions. I've then moved into playing with Europe euros for various reason, and it has been working out aswell, I've won online alot of competitions and I've had fun with many different guys.

So yeah, I've enjoyd alot playing with lots of different guys around to world!

By reading the announcement we can clearly see you mentioning the upcoming EC and BFB2 gold as main goal. Don`t you have the intention to go to the ET Masters with such a great and experianced team?

I don`t think that it is possible, most likely the team would need to have some proper support and also I am quite sure one or two couldn`t even make it to the lan, that being said, it would take a lot of work to find players to replace others and so on, I find it little too much work and I am happy just participating in all upcoming online competitions.

What kind of support would you need exactly to attend the lan?

Dont really know what to answer here, a fullsupport is always nice but I dont think that`s possible with ET`s current state, entrance fee + hotel would maybe be enough? Dont know. Oh, and gaming t-shirts are urgently needed ofcourse!

Who was the last player to finalize your roster? And why have you chosen him and not another tryout?

It was Estonia Subbi! Basicly I told him earlier last week that we might not find anyone else that I think fits to the team, and if so we gonna pick him up and asked him if thats fine. He then said yeah fine et cetera and that`s how he ended up being in the team.

There wasn`t really anyone else avaible to play that I would accept into the team. I got some pm's about asking to join but mostly they were from ppl who wouldn`t fit well enough or couldn`t play the spot we needed to be filled.

Why subbi then? Well, he fits into the team better than other applications, he is known to have great aim and he is also a semi experienced player with some semi-big games behind him. I think and hope that he & we will do fine as I will aim to win the competition we enter.

Which of the current top teams do you fear most? Anexis, F6, Queens, bF or another one?

I would go for Anexis, obviously. They will be the biggest competition for everyone else too. Anexis having a sick sick lineup so it will be really hard to anyone to beat them.

Queens will be hard one aswell, even though they really are aim only based team it will be hard to take them down, but you never know, they might suprise by playing good as a team too.

F6 will be a good competition too, I dont really know what to think of them though, I find the lineup little bit weaker than anexis & queens, but they are all fins & experienced playing together, so that will help them a lot. Some rumours said they prac the most and thus I will surely put them as a topteam besides Anexis, Queens and us.

Don`t really know other teams that much, I think bF will be together there with Nbs, mCON & some others team fighting the other spots outside top-4, I think it`s pretty safe to say that the top-4 teams are alredy known by all.

Tell us a bit about your latest praccs. How is the team doing? Any big surprises yet (e.g. losing to a less skilled team or having a walk in the park against equally skilled opponents)?

Heh, can`t really tell you about our pracs since we haven`t had a single one yet. We were supposed to have one last Tuesday but I missed it together with someone else, happens I guess.

But I expect us to be ready for BFB2! I think we gonna do fine as a team since the lineup is experienced and some of us have played alot together anyway.

Name the most important player of your team and justify it!

Don`t know if there is anyone to name as a "most" important player, as I think that all are equally important, but if I would have to name one I would go for Clown, reasoning behind that would be that he is a very obj. minded person, great on coms and also great ingame even though it doesnt always seem like that.

Who is the ingame leader and how is the overall feeling @ your team comms?

Don`t know yet, but mostly it`s gonna fall on me & clown I guess. Can`t answer to second on since we all havent been on comms same time yet! but I think it`s not gonna be much different than any other team having, would be safe bet to say that its gonna be fine.

How it comes we don`t see you in the Team Finland lineup? Do you prefer to concentrate on your own team or why is it?

It's mainly me having a fight with one or two players, vice versa. After all it comes down to a captain but I think I would obviously do the same as this seasons captain. It`s not a big deal for me and it`s not a big deal to Finland neither, since we have other great rifles avaible too who can do the job that`s needed to be done.

Okey enough about the mPG part. Let`s look a bit closer at you!
You are 21 years old. Are you already working or still doing some school stuff?

Yeah, i am gonna turn 22 this summer and I am pretty much on a limbo life wise =). Should be finished up soon with information and communications technology studies and then move into work life a little, might chill the summer first though and a little more, dont know yet. Otherwise there isnt much to say, I dont really do much other than gaming & party on weekends, but I enjoy it and I think that matters to most. :)

The sun is shining, we do have 30 degrees outside and miNd is...

Wooh, I would prolly be outside spending day with friends, going to sit outside and have a drink or two and when it`s getting closer to night I might get home and play some ET with friends!

Or, I would be sitting home whole day playing some ET and complaining about weather being too hot.

Are you doing any sport activities besides competing against others @ internet?

Not really, I used to play football and bowl, but I have dropped both. I take a part now and then to some football & floorball tournaments together with friends and have usually great fun with it. eSports for laif.

What was your eSport climaxe - and the other side of the coin!

Hmm.. Winning first Eurocup with mASCULINE_mans could be it. Other side of the coin? Don`t really know, don`t think there is one.

You have played with a lot of known gamers but is there anybody outside you would like to play but you never had the chance until now?

Don`t think any of those who I would like to play with plays ET anymore. With the current players left I've played with most more or less.

Mystic maybe would be the one? I was once close when razz was missing and we got mystic to merc, but then razz fucked that up by coming online just when we found game. Sucks.

Write down the best ET team you can imagine!

Estonia Night - to rifle, honestly I think that he is the alltime best player as a rifle since he knows the game so well.
Belgium mAus - to do dmg, beast at it and very gay to play against.
Wales Sqzz - best medic u can find, with great aim.
Finland Ensam - smg engineer who knows what to do with monster aim.
Estonia Reload - aim, medic, gamesense, fits so well here.
Germany Drago - since I've put night as a rifle and ensam as a engi I chose to include drago as a multiclasser, there is always need for one after all

Tell us one special rifle shot!

3man rifle is pretty special nowadays (c) nait

Let`s say ET would be far more popular and big organisations like Fanatic, SK or EG would have an ET team and building up an eSport camp with flat`s for their squadmembers and teamcaptains. Would you consider to leave your home to work in a new country as professional gamer with your teammates?

Anytime, that could be some great fun and chance to travel, meet new people and so on.
Who wouldnt?

Some short questions:
Missile_b3 or b4?

b3, I think b4 has too much useless hassle

Covert or PF?
Covert, since I suck with panzer :(

New maps or SD/sw_Grush only?
New maps are fine, if they are properly made. It`s sad that we've had some new maps there but most of them u could see right away that it`s never gonna make it into competition gaming, they were just lacking something, being too big and so on.

Coke or Pepsi?
Coke, of course.

Wodka or Salmiakki?
Wodka, I don`t really like too much Salmiakki.

Apples or bananas?
Apple, easier to eat fast. :D

Wireless or optical mouse?
duh, optical when it comes to playing games, wireless otherwise!

Okey thanks for your time and best of luck with your own Pro Gaming team!

Thank you too, nice to see someone doing the community work. Would like shoutout all the people I've played over the years, it`s been fun!