image: etivew

With performing always at his best and beeing one of the nicest guys around I am proud to present to you the superb Germany FLoPJEHZ! He was kind enough to answer some questions for our next "Getting to know the game...r" edition!

Hey FLoPJEHZ, please give us the basic facts about you!

Hey, my name is Stefan Pfotenhauer. I am 19 years old and got birthday at the 28th of July. I live in "Essen" Germany Germany, and got normal hobbies like playing soccer, chill out with friends, playing games and stuff like that.

Why FLoPJEHZ? Is there a story behind this nick which needs to be revealed?

Actually there is no story behind this nick. My first nick back when I was 9 playing Star Trek Elite Force (It's actually the same game as Quake just with other models, maps and weapon design) was Shady. Why shady? Because I really liked Eminem at this time, and I still think he's the best rapper ever. After I started playing ET I was thinking about many names - I was switching it all the time like mYo, thinking of mayonnaise and so on :D Somewhen I came to the nick flopje, I dont know why tho I just randomly typed it and came up with it. Somewhen I've seen a hungarian running around with the name fobje and since then I just typed a HZ behind the name, randomly also!

How it comes you are playing engineer and not medic or field ops?

Well I played Engineer already at the Belgium Lan AEF, because duKe_ thought it would be better if kReSti would play rifle and me the normal smg engineering part (I still think its fucking waste of aim power eventho we managed to get 5th place :'D) kReSti was probably impressed how I played the engineer back then so he told lightning and aphesia to pick me up as 6th to take the role as engineer. I am also playing the 2nd Field ops and medic when the engineer is not needed so I am alright with what I am playing right now, eventho I still prefer the Rifle :D

What is the most annoying thing ever happened during an official clan war?

Wow that`s actually a hard question. Well I guess it was back like 5 years ago when we (n.Loud) didn`t had an own teamspeak server and had to use a channel of another clan, and they decided to kick us while we were playing a war. It was pretty annoying because we didn`t have any other option and thus had to continue without any voice comms.

Name your favorite map and describe your decision!

My favorite map is actually changing here and then. But as rifle I do prefer Goldrush. The first stage is just easy and to the same time amazing to rifle. Also I love to play as fop in 3rd arch. So I pretty much had my favorite positions for years. Nowdays since I am playing engineer I prefer to play Radar, because I love it to move over the map planting mines and just try to help where I can.

You are currently playing with the BFB2 tournament - how is the team going?

Well we didn`t pracc much with the whole team yet, just once like 1 month ago. And we did quite well for the first time against rly good NC teams. At the moment we are just mixing with the players who are avi, since krest and stownage are on holidays for a week. So we will see how it's going when they are back, but I am really confident in the team because of the results we had in this one pracc, and the result that this team had at the sage lan becoming 4th place!

What are you aiming for (teamwise)?

The whole team got the aim in every Tournament (EC/BfB/Lan) to reach the top 3. Ofc it will be very hard if we look at the teams that just got announced, but like I said I am really confident in this team and have no doubt that it is more than a possible job.

Have you noted down any secret tactics for nowadays mappool?

I think noone got real secret tactics tbh. You got the normal positions in defense and quite the normal ways for the attack. It always depends on the situation if some secret or crazy stuff is going on imo. Ofc you should know how your opponent is playing especially the top 5 teams when you pracced against them, or watched them at ettv. Also you kinda realise how single players are playng when you pracc against them. But I guess every top team knows that.

You have played in quite a lot of good teams. Which was the best lineup you were part of and what was your biggest success?

The best team I've ever been in was ofc Queens with Wales sqzz Malta toxic United Kingdom razz Iceland phyzic and me for the Eurocup XXIII and YCN-Cup. I was impressed by the teamplay and the harmony that the team had. I learned a lot of them especially from sqzz (special shoutout to him at this point ;) I just enjoyed it to play with them because everything was just perfect in the team and I could concentrate on my own game, just perfect. The biggest success just followed right with it, with getting 3rd place in the Clanbase Nations Cup XIV winning the Eurocup XXIII and the YCN-Cup and one season after winning the Eurocup XXIV again with Queens.

By looking back on your gaming related decision - do you regret anything?

No I don`t really think so. Ofc sometimes I did some bad decisions etc. but I don`t regret anything tbh. At the end of the day, I reached what I wanted and what I've played for. So I would say everybody is doing mistakes but everybody is also learning with that!

We can watch you playing smg engi or rifle. Do you need any special warmup to get used to the other weapon (let`s say you have played all day long rifle and need to switch to smg)?

Well ofc it's kinda hard to switch from rifle to smg especially because I had to change my gamestyle a bit. But I dont really need any special warmup or smth. At first I was a bit worried about my aim, but atm I am doing pretty well and I am quite sure it will be much better in the next week's/month with playing some public again and playing some more mixes/drafts than before.

What is the key to succeed in Enemy Territory?

Hmm, thats a good question tbh. I just can tell whatI did, what I am still doing. It's always a plus when you're motivated and got a huge ambition. You should watch your demos and should watch what you did good and what you didn`t do good, what you could do better next time. You also can watch replay's of players that got your gamestyle/playing your class. Look what they do and maybe you can copy a bit of their style or actions.

And outside ET - Everything going according to your master plan?

Yeah its going well. Just started to work some month ago and I am having fun with my football team and mate's. Planning to get an own apartment in the next 2-3 year's. And yeah time will tell what happens the next day's. I am impulsive and flexible and up to almost everything, so time will tell :)

How does a normal FLoPJEHZ day look like?

A normal FLoPJEHZ day, haha men you got me with that :D
Well it depends if I got a free day or if I need to work and if I need to work how my worktimes are. I usually wake up at 7 am to get ready for work. When I come home I'll just chill and maybe play some game's league of legends and stuff. Otherwise I am going out with friend's chill with them, listen to music, or play football with them. But at the end of the day I am always online at nights to play some games with my mate's and just having fun all day long :)

And how does it look in 15 years?

Wow thats a good question. I think I will still play some games, I doubt that I will play activly in a clan tho, but here and then is always good and I love it. I can see an amazing wife with 2+ amazing childs. The Sun is shining flowers are everywhere. Haha joke. I dont know, like I said earlier already I am very impulsive and the time will tell what happens in the future. But I ofc want to have a wife and 2+ childs in 15 years and I am pretty sure about that will happen.

Some short questions:
Best aimer?

Wales sqzz

Best competition game?
Enemy Territory ofc.

Best weapon in ET?
FG42. Really underrated imo :D

Best ET team ever?
Estonia u96d Estonia & Germany Anexis

NoQuarter or Jaymod?
Hmm. haven`t played neither NQ nor Jaymod much, but i would say NoQuarter

Grush or Supply Depot?

Okey was nice to meet you. Best of luck for all further competitions!

Yeah was nice to make an interview, thank you for that!
Shoutouts to KRESTi, stownage, shmoe, PZY-Q, Quarki, destii, butchji, drago, s1lent, gr0ss, kevji, kiwi, Bl4d3 sqzz, deryn, R0SS, Razz, Kamz chry, XyLoS, Night, toxic,Clown, Lightning, aphesia, Come at me bro TS, etc etc. I love you all anyways :D