Recently GamersPortal did an interview with NBS-Gaming. Since ET is a very important part of NBS, I thought there might be some people interested in reading! :)

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Tell us the story of how your clan was formed… How did your clan get to where it’s at today? How long has your clan been around?

The clan started off as a Dutch and Belgian only Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Scrim team. It was founded in 2010 by the current owner Bas ‘Woooooo’ Appelman. Bit by bit it became bigger in the ET pro scene and NBS became international.

Until August ’11 NBS was ET (Enemy Territory) only, until Brink came out. Brink was meant to be the first next game of NBS in its way to a larger MGC covering many other games. However, Brink failed and we started looking at other games.

Later on we even bought our own dedicated system to host our servers on. As soon as we had that, we expanded to several other games such as: Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike 1.6 and League of Legends.

In all of these games we have teams representing our name in their own leagues and ladders, plus in the bigger online cups. At the moment we are still looking for some new teams in multiple games, for example: CoD4, CS 1.6, LoL but we are also open for all kind of new E-sport games.

We aim for high online teams and we provide them with whatever is needed to become one, or stay one, as well; a quality server, bouncers, a decent website+forum and a quality Teamspeak.

To get to where we are at now, we have done a lot for multiple communities, we’ve organized cups, giveaways, contests and lots more to not only get our name out there, but actually do something for the gaming scene.

And there is a lot more to come!

We are certainly planning on hosting lots of more cups (with prizes), events and contests in multiple games!

What game(s) does your clan play? What types of play styles/divisions do you participate in with each game?

-Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory : Public and competitive (ESL/CB)
-Call Of Duty 4 : Public (searching new comp. team)
-League Of Legends : Public and competitive (ESL)
-Lineage 2 : Public (Guild)
-Team Fortress 2 : competitive (etf2l Div2)
-Counter Strike 1.6 : competitive
-Counter Strike: Source : competitive

Has your clan ever met up in real life? If not, do you see yourself doing that in the future?

The owners have already met each other in real life and had a great time together along with several others of our members. In the future we want to organize a larger LAN party for everyone involved with NBS, but there is still a lot to be done before we can realize that. There have been plans made already though and we are very much looking forward to it.

Do you consider NBS Gaming to be casual, hardcore, or somewhere in between? Do you play competitively? Have you participated in any tournaments?

Well, we are a multi-gaming clan with, per game, a public side and competitive side. We have our own public servers, plus clans, for every game and also have an e-sport team representing our name in the highest divisions of that game’s e-sport. Our competitive teams play in the higher divisions of their game scene. For example in ET, our team plays in both the highest division in ESL as well as in CB. Our Team Fortress 2 team is currently playing in etf2l season 11 Div2, aiming for premier later on. And our latest CoD4 squad was competing with the best of the CGA Vita Nova Ladder and even reached rank 7.

How often do you guys practice (if you do)? Do you do organized scrims (scrimmage games) with other clans? Take us through the average week for NBS Gaming

Our competitive teams practice 3 to 4 times per week, playing official wars or practicing for them. Next to that they also participate in the one day cups, when they can.

The public part of our gaming is playing daily for an average time, having fun together on the public servers, or teaming up together to play some wars.

What makes a perfect recruit for your clan? Are you currently recruiting?

We are always recruiting, members and teams. Anyone is able to apply, but as our name already tells you, we do look for a certain kind of skill(z).

It’s not as black and white as that may look though, we certainly do take decent nice people in that we see have potential, or are just fun to play with. In the end, the public side of our MGC is about having fun together, so we do support that of course.

Applying for one of our public divisions is possible here:

For the teams, we are aiming for 1 e-sport team per game, but at the moment we still have a lot of games open. And there are always those games we haven’t got covered at all yet; those as well we are interested in for sure.

The requirements the teams need to have that we ask for are the following:

-Stable team (lineup) (longer than 2 months)
-Actively playing competitively
-Playing in their own game’s ranked leagues, cups etc…

Normally, if we are looking for teams, we post a recruiting-thread on the larger forums of the game we are looking a team for. But if you are interested in applying yourself, you can do so at: [email protected]

What advice would you lend to a new clan leader/official, or a group looking to form a new clan?

You’ll need to have some passion. Every beginning is difficult, but you need to keep going. Try to surround yourself with some good experienced people and build it from there.

You’ll always get negative feedback, not just in the beginning, but forever. Don’t ignore that, but use it. Try to bend that negative feedback over to something positive. If you keep going like that, and you keep having fun in it yourself, you’ll get there. Do not aim too high right away though, stay realistic; otherwise you will only disappoint yourself when it is not really working out the way you want to. But, even then, keep faith and keep going!

What are the biggest challenges you face as a clan, in game and out-of-game?

The biggest challenges are to constantly expand and bringing something new. After you’ve done something a few times it gets old and you need to come up with something original so people are attracted.

A big challenge out-of-game, for us, is that most of our admins are students. They have a lot to do in real life as well and sometimes for that reason, forget about the stuff they had to do for NBS. But we are all students, so we understand when that happens, and we’ll always work things out eventually.
Do you have any events, tournaments, or anything upcoming that you want the world to know about?

At the moment, we have just finished a few events and tournaments. Server giveaways were held and several cups have just finished. For now, we haven’t really got anything planned yet for the upcoming few weeks, but we are working on getting there again.

You can expect lots of more online cups/events from NBS in the future, that’s for sure!

What’s the best way to contact your clan?

The best way really depends on yourself and what you prefer. We have lots of different ways to be contacted:

Xfire: (NBS Owner Woooooo) Tiropag, (NBS Owner HunteR) bloodelf99, (NBS Manager xarQi) xarqi

Steam: (NBS Owner Woooooo) BasA1991, (NBS Owner HunteR), (NBS Manager xarQi) xarqi16

E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] (depending on the topic)



Furthermore we are always willing to talk through Skype/Teamspeak as well, but you’ll have to let us know beforehand of course.

What are you looking to get out of Gamers Portal?

First of all, we believe that Gamers Portal is a great initiative to bring gamers together. For us, it is important to get our name out there, especially in great organizations such as Gamers Portal.

We hope that due to us representing ourselves here, more people will know about us and see the potential that we have.

Why do you think you are any different, or better, than other MGCs (Multi-Gaming Clans)?

We do not think of ourselves as better than anyone else, we do not think in ways of competing with other MGC’s, only the e-sport side of course.

For us, a multi-gaming clan is a place for people to come together and have fun playing games together. The great thing about a MGC is that it can be so much more than just 1 group of people.

E-Sport, clans, servers, cups, events, all of which is possible within a MGC.

We want to differentiate ourselves, however, by providing all of the before mentioned aspects.

- We host our own servers, public- as well as war servers.
- We support our members and teams greatly, by providing them with public servers, war servers and a Teamspeak server with plenty of slots/channels for anyone to use.
- We have our own clans with their own in game leaders, per game.
- We have per game we support a team representing us in the higher divisions.
- We host our own cups with prizes (our own hosted servers or goodies from sponsors); additionally we have our own streamers available, with professional shout casting, so everyone is able to follow the matches that are played during our cups.
- We host events, contests or giveaways with servers or goodies to be won.
- We organize NBS cups, for NBS players only, with of course some prices.

And we are currently working on a lot more!

To end this interview, we want to thank Gamers Portal for giving us the possibility to promote NBS on their great website.

And for all of the readers, if you are looking for an active, fun and skilled multi-gaming organization, as member or team, look no further, NBS is here!

‘Nothing But Skillz’ Multi-gaming clan