image: etivew

With the upcoming Cracow Gamespot event and some other great tournaments in the past it is time to give you an insight view about Poland sonNy himself and the big Polish offline event!

Hey sonNy, first things first - who are you?

Hello, my name is Krystian, I'm 17 years old and I live in Piaseczno, a small city near Warsaw. My hobbies apart from gaming are jogging and basketball which I spend most of my time on. At the moment I'm trying to make my spot in the recently formed team which is about to join a pro league so I can develop my skills even more.

The recent Cracow Gamespot event has thrown some attention to you and your admin-crew. But before we take a deeper look on that let us know about your first meeting with our beloved old lady called "Enemy Territory"!

Well it all started around 2006 I belief. My brother told me about a great game but unfortunately I had no pc and he just played it in an internet cafe with his friends. Few weeks or months later I got my first own PC and to keep it short - ET was the first game my brother gave to me and to be honest I haven`t deinstalled it since then! At first I was playing on random pubservers, I enjoyed it pretty much and was spending whole days playing ET without stopping it. In 2009 my friend Olas invited me to try out ETPro because as he told me - more skilled gamers play there. I joined few 6o6 mixes with him and it was like a whole different game to me, public gaming was nice, but the ETPro competition was jsut better. After that I created some clans and we tried our skills in a few ladders & cups and I enjoyed every single mix or offi in ET :)

How it comes you are doing the dirty admin work?

I think there is no single reason why I'm doing the admin work. Maybe I just like it, I even don't know it by myself - I guess it's just joy of doing something for others so they can enjoy the game as much as I do. There was a popular quote saying that ET is dead but it's not gibbed yet! I decided to take my syringe and try to revive it as I do with my mates ingame :) Additionally I started writing some news and other articles to improve my english skills which aren't on the best level at the moment :)

We have seen you hosting some Speed-Cups for ET and one of the first ever Crossfire LoL Community event. Any further plans regarding that?

I hope that I will be able to create some series of ET & LoL tournaments with nice prizes but to succeed in that I need sponsors and besides, the most important fact: ACTIVITY from our community. Because if we don't have enough teams we won't get sponsors for prizes et cetera. From what I can say now is that I will host a few 6o6 or 3o3 cups sponsored by the crew which is also sponsoring CGS Lan. Also there are few other tournaments coming soon but I can't give you any details about them yet.

Okey, so the most interesting point is the upcoming Cracow Gamespot offline event. Give us an insight view about how it all started!

Last year I was captain of an ET division in and back then I was hosting 3v3 and 6v6 tournaments for them. We had a lot of success with that, there were times when we had about 30-40 teams signed up for a cup. Unfortunately we stopped our cooperation because some of our players went inactive. Few weeks ago I recived a message from Matti- one of the former admins, with information that he wants to host a ET Lan in Poland and he needs my help with that. I did my best to support him not only on the ET side but also with LoL.

Is there a chance for a bigger prize pot in case the community is able to attend with more than just 8 teams?

Yes there is. Prize pot is depending on how many teams we will have - more teams = bigger prizes. Besides we are getting some support from known brands to CF users and you will hear about that soon in an upcoming newspost.

What is your task in the project and how many co-workers do you have supporting you?

Our crew consists of eight people. Three for ET, three for LoL and two for things connected with getting sponsors, doing paper work et cetera. I guess my job is taking care of these 3 things mentioned before :) Mostly writing news, geting sponsors (so far I've been lucky enough to gather extra prizes worth ~300 euro), advertising, just everyting I can to support event.

Do you have any experience with the Cracow Gamecenter - or have you already visited it?

To be honest I've never been to the actual Lancenter, I visited Cracow few times as a tourist but I didn't had the chance to visit the place where the lan will happen.

Can you reveal some sponsor deals and/or do you have room for more partners?

I don't have informations about every sponsor but what I can say now is that we received some sponsorship from YCN-Hosting and other companies which you can find on our website. We are still looking for partners and potential sponsors which want to support our project.

In the current recruiting thread we do see some teams and a lot of players available to attend the lan. Are they all trustworthy or do you think we can`t just rely on their interest but have to wait for their signup/payment proof?

I've been talking with team captains from every team and I belive that they are 100% trustworthy, it seems that a lot of polish players are really happy to see a lan in Poland and are very please about that. About some players - I'm just not sure if some of them are trolling or they are available for sure. I still got hope that this won't be a 100% polish event. European teams are more than welcome. I will do my best to help them with transport, finding place to sleep and any more detailed information they will need.

Any things you wanna tell the whole community?

Yes, there could be one sentence. Just stop saying that ET is dead and not worth playing anymore, just do something to make it alive as I do. There are a lot ways to do so - create a new team, it's not that hard, join ladders, organize cups, make some fragmovies, write some tutorials and more! It's quite simple! :D

Okey, thanks for now. Good job so far and good luck with all the upcoming work!

Well there are lot of people who should be here but I don't like to make shoutouts lists long :) I would like to thank the following people: grzyb,SimonKinsler, Niki0o, Robert, Matti(!!!), Marcus, Sean, SPU9 and everyone I had pleasure to play with or against.