For those who have been under a rock for the last few months a new game has really hit the masses and made a huge impression, Day-Z.

image: slider2

Quote“A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease. Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.”

With 1,264,595 Unique Survivors

Why has this become so popular? There have been millions of zombie survival games before… but not to this extent, the learning curve you face is like what we used to have to deal with, where rather than being stepped through every single moment of the game with hints and tips and GIANT ARROWS to lead the way you stumble across a hostile environment and you learn the hard way.

image: 2411chk

You are dead,a familiar site for anyone braving dayz

You end up hating yourself for not being careful when you walked out of that building and not checking the horizon for a glimmer of a sniper waiting to meet you. It punishes you for the simple things; you didn’t keep check of your water? You die. You didn’t think about the fact its raining and might get cold? You die. Oh let me remind you there are other survivors out here just as you think you are safe. You’re dead. Yet it’s so rewarding, finding a Lee Enfield and somehow hitting a 500m shot while you are craving pain killers with your aim shaking, you really do become emerged.

What are the Survivor Gamez?

For those who have tried this game you may already know of The hunger gamez, ran by the more elite players of Day-Z over on Twitch.Tv, based upon what was highlighted in the books. Teams of 2 take on the world and each other, with zombies. There will be around 12 teams, comprised of the very best. If you do know the streamers you will be seeing the likes of Brotatoe, Kai ,Puddn and there is even a rumour of Sacriel.

in game footage of the previous Hunger Gamez & trailer for no.2

You may ask why the hell I should watch this, it looks bad the graphics don’t seem all that great and well it looks pretty slow. I assure you, I promise you when the action starts you will be engrossed, you will be screaming for your favorite team of players to stay alive and avoid being slain by the opposing enemy. Make sure you head over to their streams to get an idea of who each of these guys are and who you will be supporting for the Survivor Gamez. They will all be live streaming the whole event; last time it took 5 hours for there to be one winner but who knows. It will be casted and streamed as well.

Do not miss out on this Coming October 20th.

I will be bringing a interview with the Bro Squad pretty soon before the event begins so make sure to stay tuned!

Will you be watching ? Check out the guys in this so far below...

Brotatoe + Yelo


QnOmnikai -