image: idx15h
Welcome Welcome Welcome, Happy Survivor Gamez and may the odds be ever in your favor.

The tributes have been listed and the time has come to show you the courageous few who have been hand picked to display their ability to survive. So sit back and look at those brave few who will now have to fight for their lives...Just so you folks at have an idea of who you will be watching i thought we could get the basics from some of the contestants.

image: 15rfa89

So contestants, You have all come into the Survivor Gamez with a understanding of what you are in for...Not a easy task at all but please introduce yourself to the viewers and readers.

Puddn -

I'm just a regular guy that decided to try out DayZ in the early days and stream my experience. I never expected the game or my stream to grow into what it did.

Rezt -

Alexander Holmberg
18 Years of age
I'm A student, I live in Sweden. And I play a variety of gamez though DayZ has pretty much been taking over in the past.


I have been streaming since January 14th of this year. I started with SWTOR, then onto D3, DayZ, BL2, and most recently XCOM


Chris "Sacriel"
I am a sniper fanatic who has played games since games began, playing 1v1 games with my brother over serial port connection between pcs before 3d graphics cards were even invented. Over the years I have been through the major changes in gaming, the major fps and rts arcs and seen birth of new genres like MOBA. I use this experience and skillset to maintain a youtube channel and livestream channel to offer an unique angle on gaming, highly tactical, highly analytical and all from a snipers mindset and it seems to have found a niche in the DayZ community.

image: day-z-livestream-610x343

Now pleasantries aside, to start this off i must ask, What will be the biggest challenge for you individually within the Survivor Gamez ?

Puddn -
The biggest individual challenge is being good partner and effective communicator. You and you partner have to be able to pass information and come to an understanding quickly.

Rezt -
The biggest challenge for me in the SurvivorGamez will not to run up and Teabag all the people I kill and take their Fleshlight's. Seeing that would get me killed very easily ... =/

My guess would be finding a suitable partner in the next 5 days. Phyy, my previous partner, has been gone for a while now doing / playing other games and I need to find someone who fill his shoes.

I am my own worst enemy, I can let my guard down once i feel things are going well which often ends up getting me in trouble.

Now each of you are known for your individual styles of game-play, will you be going for a certain type of weapon ? If so what would you be gunning for?

Puddn -
I think I’m pretty well known for being a guy that can be very effective with any gun. In the first GameZ, I had nothing but a Double-barrel shotgun the entire game. I killed multiple enemies with better guns and survived until the very end, coming in second place. If it were possible to get any gun I wanted, I think I’d choose a DMR. Not only is it a fantastic sniper rifle, but it is very effective in short range situations. In a perfect world, I’d get a ghillie suit and AS50 and just camp in the woods, sniping people for the majority of the game, but the Survivor GameZ aren’t that kind.

Rezt -
Well yeahh if i had to choose i'd have to go with da REEEEEEEE ENFIELDDDD ^_^

Deagen -
I have always been kind of known for using the Enfield. Most people tend to think it's because I am a noob who doesn't go to gear tents to gear up, which is true. I refuse to use gear tents to gear up and snipe defenseless people in the major cities of Elecktro and Cherno. I like to actually be in the cities and kill players doing the same. The enfield being one of the most, if not the most common rifle in the game, is a great weapon for killing other players. I was very close to to getting a enfield in the last hunger games when I hatcheted another player plenty more than was needed for a kill. However, due to lag, I actually ended up dying to my precious enfield when he shot me in the face. So close....

Sacriel -
Give me a scope and im sorted. CZ, DMR, M24 and I'm good to go, I will be using stealth and evasion in conjunction with my marksmanship and situational awareness to stalk the battlefield.

Opponents aside, this isn't just about killing each other, its about staying alive personally. How much does this weigh on your minds?

Puddn -
I think it is good to be a little afraid. Humans have both better reaction time and vision when we are scared. It’s a survival mechanism. A player has to keep the stakes in the back of his mind at all times to keep him sharp. On a lighter note, I’m doing this to have fun. The prizes are great and having more people tune into my stream is always nice, but both my viewers and I want to have fun with this event, so I’ll probably take some unnecessary, but fun risks.

Rezt -
Me and Giantwaffle have a really really good plan for staying alive and our secret isssss HA WE AINT TELLING YOU. cya in the gamez peepz :3

Deagen -
Last Hunger Games, Phy and I had a pretty good plan. This plan was to get into town and use the coast as a barrier to keep players off our backs. It worked. The luck we had with finding weapons however was nowhere to be found. Phy took an enfield shot that put him at 1/2 health, then had a zombie break his leg in 1 hit, pretty much leaving me all alone. I am hoping that during this Hunger Games I am able to find a weapon more quickly as that is really the most important part of surviving.

One of my strengths is situational awareness and stealth, i should be able to avoid awkward combat and engage people at their most vulnerable.

Now outside of the survivor games, how did you get into gaming originally and did you ever expect to have the amount of viewers you do on a daily basis?

Puddn -
I’ve been gaming for as long as I can remember. From playing Sonic the Hedgehog on my Sega Genesis when I was 4 or 5, to getting into Counter-Strike when I was 12 or 13, gaming as always been a passion. DayZ, specifically, was simply luck, I suppose. I started playing when the game was quite new, with only maybe 50 people watching streams of it. I thought it would be the perfect “cinematic gaming experience” and figured I’d let a few people watch me play. I quickly found out that streaming your gameplay is both tons of fun and also a great way to improve your gameplay. Fan interaction through chat is a blast and having eyes watching (and many times criticizing your gameplay) makes you play better. The first week, I couldn’t have had more than 10-15 people watching. Within a month, I was hitting well over a 1000 every day. It was a firestorm of popularity and people couldn’t get enough DayZ. This was really during the height of the hype. Since then, it has died down, but the 200+ people that still watch are avid fans that love the game, and I love streaming for them

Rezt -
I got into gaming when i was very young playing Playstation 1 with my friends and so on and its just been going on from there. And no when I started streaming I had no idea I would ever get a whole lot of viewers as I'm having now. I just started up a stream mainly for some of the people asking me to do it and I thought why not. It's quite amazing how things like this just comes out of nowhere, I RUUUV YOU ALL<3

Deagen -
I moved to Austin Texas with my Wife in the summer of 2011 because the job market for a Video Game Artist is pretty slim in Michigan. My Wife found a job instantly as a dental hygienist and I kept searching for a few months before we both decided to try streaming. It provided a way for us to eventually move back to Michigan and be near our family in hopes of one day starting our own. We are actually moving home on the next week! I have the greatest viewers on though, they are kind, supportive, and very generous loving people. I am truly grateful for all they have been able to help me accomplish, and my Wife and I are so excited about the continued possibilities with the stream.

I've been gaming since the days of loading a game off of a cassette tape, editing lines of code and making my own games. I feel that my foundation of quake1/2 has granted me a skillset not found in todays youth which offers me a series of advantages over newer players. I always wanted to be 'known' for something in gaming, I am not reguarly asked if I am 'the real' sacriel which is taking some getting used to but I quite enjoy it :)

Where do you see yourself being 5 years from now and do you still think gaming will be a part of your life?

Puddn -
I’m certain that gaming will always be a part of my life, but everyone has to eventually break away from it partially. Even professional E-sports players retire and move on. In 5 years, I hope to be finishing up a Graduate degree and moving on to the academic world, but I know for certain the gaming will always be my first choice of entertainment and streaming that gaming will always be great fun.

Rezt -
I see my life being a part of Gaming for a very very long time forth no doubt :) Just watch out in the SurvivorGamez my PEWPEWPEW can be deadly :3^_^

Deagen -
I have moved from part-time gaming to gaming full-time as a source of income. This was a planned out decision as we have goals and requirements for the stream in order to continue. As long as we meet those goals continuously, this will be my job for the foreseeable future.

Id like to continue to grow, get sponsorship and make a lasting community. One day I would love to be able to help other talented people get to where I am now.

Well i will let you all continue with the training towards the Survivor Gamez and wish you all the best!

Check out Puddn -
Check out Rezt -
Check out Deagen -
Check out Sacriel -

The Survivor GameZ is a DayZ event that will be held today at 1PM PST featuring 36 of the top DayZ streamers and youtubers from around the world. Do NOT miss it.