A Night to Remember

I’m not very comfortable around women; they make me nervous, on edge. They cause my mind to freeze and my mouth to become motionless. I’m sure this is a reaction many of you share. After I posted my pimp journal, I began to research the techniques and theories that powered the interaction I saw on the video. I read about body language, negs, DHV’s, IOI’s, things I’d never really consciously acknowledged suddenly had names and definitions: I started to realise exactly what I was doing wrong.

Why You Shouldn't Just Use "What Feels Right."

In every sport, every technical endeavour, there exists a legacy passed down from coach to player, from expert to novice; this legacy comes as form, training techniques, tips and tricks that would otherwise be obscure and difficult to grasp. This imparting of knowledge is fundamental to the process of mastering a sport.

Mice, huh? Debunking DPI.

For centuries man has been plauged, hindered by the inadequacies of his own tools. Mice have been reluctant to match the cabalities of the fort which forms a gamers body, a vertiable pastige of godly sensibilties and attributes - We have, in every way, surpased our own creations. Enough of the foonr style, over emphasised, badly written drivel.