CDC4 Admin Blog

At most Crossfire LAN events in the past we have run a live update of whatever updates, notes and thoughts the admins on site want to put down and (until people get bored or forget to update it) this has generally been a popular feature.

The Playoffs are Coming

After four frenetic weeks of exhilarating group stage games, the ClanBase EuroCup XIV is now moving into the next stage - the playoffs. We saw some great games and some unexpected upsets, but in the end only eight teams could move on, with the other half of the entrants forced to wait for next time to have their chance at the title.

Superstars of EC XII return

With the Spring 2006 season fast approaching, teams are signing up thick and fast. Amongst the general throng of signups, however, can be found some interesting names. Of the eight teams which reached the playoffs of the last EuroCup (EC XII), four have - in some form or another - quietly put their name down for the new season.