Interview with #follow.rtcw.LeFrancis | RTCW Tavern Rush LAN Build-up

Hello RTCW community, with only ONE day until the LAN officially starts, I’m pleased to present the final interview of the series, with the captain of top11 ET LAN team follow.ET, LeFrancis! This interview hopefully comes at a good time to provide attendees some entertainment on your journeys to Ghent :). (For maximum effect try reading this in a French accent in your head)

Interview with udogs.Spike | RTCW Tavern Rush LAN Build-up

With just two days until the first day of LAN, I have two interviews left to post today and tomorrow. Interview #7 is with Spike, captain of the late entry team, Underdogs.

If you haven't read the other interviews yet, here they are:

Interview with n9.Ditto

Interview with [email protected] | RTCW Tavern Rush LAN Build-up

Interview #6 is with the popular oldschool Dutch panzer player Joep, captain of team fl@ke (previously known as EBT).

If you haven't read the other interviews yet, here they are:

Interview with n9.Ditto

Interview with [M] Bonehead | RTCW Tavern Rush LAN Build-up

On to interview #5 of the series, with the captain of by far the longest established team at LAN, Bonehead…

If you haven't read the other interviews yet, here they are:

Interview with n9.Ditto

Interview with bZ/Kevin | RTCW Tavern Rush LAN Build-up

Interview #4 is with Kevin of Brugse Zotten who, being a team made up entirely of Benelux players, will be playing on “home territory” in Belgium!

If you haven't read the other interviews yet, here they are:

Interview with n9.Ditto

Interview with nP.Steve | RTCW Tavern Rush LAN Build-up

On to interview #3 in the series, this time with the captain of Quakecon 2020 winners No Pressure, nP.Steve (also known as toxic)!

If you haven't read the other interviews yet, here they are:

Interview with n9.Ditto

Interview with n9.Ditto | RTCW Tavern Rush LAN Build-up

Hello all past, present and future players of this great game! With just over a month away to the LAN in Ghent, I've pitched some questions for each team captain to answer. With 7 teams competing, I’ll release one interview every 4-5 days so by the time the LAN starts maybe we'll learn a bit more about our fellow competitors :).