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elite vs Helix - Definitive Coverage

This was, for me, a match that manged to be so much better than most had expected, going to a decider after some intense battles over the two previous maps.

We had an amazing amount of ETTV, two shoutcasters (of whom may I add Stewie did a superb job), and some great support from GamesTV.org. Also many thanks to guys like Nellie, who did much behind the scene dirty work, and who managed to save me from a nervous breakdown.

Game On: Overboost

Maybe you've seen the journal about "Guess the guest". That was all about my hint in #3 about the guest in #4. Some of you thought of mAnki. Loekino was very close. He thought of DMD but didn't called a name.

The future of Xfire

X to the B (snoop yo!) is overdue its update, xfire three will be appearing on your screens soon, so what is that is required on a new ..

Interview with CDAP Multigaming clan

After reading the Xfire news that my German friend wAyne recruited another ET squad into his Multi-gaming clan CDAP I thought it was time for an interview with the squad leaders Decem & Ste and the overall clan-manager. Why did they join this Multi-gaming clan, what are their expectations for the current season and for wAyne some more global clan management questions.

First matchweek in Premier & Alpha @ WL

Well, the first week at Warleagues cannot be said to be the best one, especially after some emails I received to cancel the participation of some clans. However, after some changes, we are glad that only 1 clan now is considered to be inactive.

KOTH: How to?

As you will have noticed, recently there have been some changes to the look and features of the site, including this pretty little "King of the hill" box sitting snugly under the comments box. And, if you haven't read the news yet, there's a simple explanation: Crossfire is hosting its first ever competition.

Not Another TosspoT Interview!

Possibly the most interviewed man on the planet sat down for an interview with a difference last night. Drunk from a night on the town fondling 16 year olds he happily agreed to a series of no holds bar questions. Ever wondered what TosspoT actually gets out of shoutcasting, is he contracted to iTG or how a shoutcasting station actually funds flying their casters around the world? Read on to find out.

Superstars of EC XII return

With the Spring 2006 season fast approaching, teams are signing up thick and fast. Amongst the general throng of signups, however, can be found some interesting names. Of the eight teams which reached the playoffs of the last EuroCup (EC XII), four have - in some form or another - quietly put their name down for the new season.

Interview with o8|capten

noll8 passed the two weeks phase relatively seemlessly with just two rosters changes, however stability, assured the team is now on the right track. In an interview I promised to capten some 3 or 4 weeks ago, I finally caught up with yet another swedish RTCW legend.

In Addition, here is o8's current roster following earlier changes:

Capten (cl)
Kris (backup)

Warleagues.com Pre-Season report.

The upcoming warleague season VI is just around the corner. The signups is still open, so all you guys have to do is register your team and sign up at this link

78 teams has allready signed up, and we do hope more will join us this season. The signups will end at Wednesday 22nd March, so there is no time to waste.
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