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Eurocup: Loser's Brkt Final Coverage

It's that phrase we've come to know and love by now. There might not be many Eurocup Sundays left (for this competition at least), but that doesn't mean the quality of games is suffering in any way. uQ are lurking in grand final place, awaiting the winner of this, the CB Eurocup Loser's Brkt Final.

Why we love sd2! (Update 1)

As you already know, there is a poll on xfire about custom maps, and as you already read on the news page and in an other article, there is a mapcontest running.
splodge wrote a column here: http://www.xfire.be/?x=column&mode=item&id=310
There was another journal/column/article some weeks ago about custom maps, didn't found it yet.

xfire awards #3 !

The year is over, Ariel Sharon is in coma and the ET awards by resku and company were a nice and successful input. However, Mrozu and Ravenous decided to continue the heritage Shakes left with xfire awards.

ET-Scene.de Mapping Contest

You want more 6on6 Competitions, you want more action on ETTV - we want just another map to bring you more!

swine and I talked a little bit about the actual mappool and came to the result, we need another great curstom map, next to sw grush, sw oasis, sd2 and braundorf.

Finally, the awards's results.

Finally we have come to a conclusion for the ET Awards 2005. Booths have been closed and votes have been counted. Before you look at the results I want to say that everybody is a winner. This ain't true of course ;p. There is just one winner for each category which can be found on the following pages:

- Best Player
- Best Moment

The ET Awards - 2005!

*Update* - Results & further coverage out either tonight / Wednesday!

So, the end of another year. And what a year its been! 2005 can be looked back on as possibly the most successful year for ET since it came into being nearly three years ago, in April of '03. And the reason for the success? Quite simply, the community. People like you who keep this game not just alive, but very much kicking. This equates to both the non-playing community, and the players themselves.

Eurocup XII - The Playoffs Are Here!

It’s been just three weeks of intense Eurocup action, but we’ve once again reached that final defining stage. Eight are gone, just eight remain. The teams now four wins away from a showdown in the “Grand Final”.
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