sick of...

I am just sick of everybody calling perfo a cheater :/

don't call someone a cheater if you don't have any fokking proof...

all you people are calling him a cheater because you have seen him make suspicious frags :/

and all the fokking mofo's who call perfo a cheater don't even know him, never have payed with him, never spoke serious with him... but only call him a cheater because the rest of the mofo crossfire community does it do(kk meelopers)

I just hope that the next crossfire lan will be close to holland so perfo can come... and lets hope that clans will have the balls to ask him to play on a lan...

this same bullshit happened with butchji... 60% of this community called him a cheater and they played on pubs with the nick 'aimbotji'... but on Qcon he showed that he is just skilled and not a cheater... I just hope perfo can show his skills on a LAN...

to all you mofo's who think perfo cheats... get skill & die!

random ET clan tag: j3bac|jaZper

random flag: Bosnia Hercegovina

random pic: image: mc_hammer
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