idle We all know as the almost godlike, überskilled enemy territory clan. Their aggressive defense and top players were the nightmare of many clans. How unbeatable is idle? The question often terrorised my brain, and the answer always was simple: it was impossible.
But is still From what I’ve seen yesterday in – FF the clan isn’t that superspecial anymore. They may thank the lord they have amazing good tactics and teamplay, otherwise they wouldn’t have took it. I saw a strong defensive action by FF, and one moment I saw FF able to stop idle’s rush. But if we leave the teamplay unconsidered, idle isn’t what it was before. I can’t hide my sadness about the fact that individual very strong players like Ferus and Holz left the clan. Especially Ferus, in my opninion one of the fastest and best aimers on the world. And the comeback of the oldskool guys like r3vers and JaKaZc can’t fill the emptiness in my heart.
What goes up, must go down, and idle’s time is coming. You can’t see it, but you can feel it. FF showed some nice things against idle and that wasn’t hax in my honest opinion. Shame they couldn’t pull the good prestation through the whole war, but nevertheless that was idle’s good job. I don’t say that idle will start to lose, idle will always be at the top, and that’ll probably never change, but I’m convinced that other clans can reach idle skill now. I’m looking forward to the upcome of uQ, and I hope some other clans make it possible to stunt against idle too. Then we’ll have the exciting wars again between clans who both deserve to win. I’ll hope it comes soon, because it’s getting boring with idle alone on the top
(no hard feelings idle Smilie )


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