
So today me and me friends were planning to go bowling in the upcomming vacation. So we decided sunday was the only day we could go but then one friend said he couldnt go because it was sunday. We were like wtf? He said he needs to go on bike and he cant do that on sunday etc. Then he whined about the people working there at the bowling on a sunday that he doesnt want to take part and go there(because sunday is teh restday or smthing i dunno , again we were like wtf?).
We already knew that he was like uberchristian and his parents dont allow him to do homework on sunday and he cant even go on the pc then. I often have discussions about these things with him. But if you arent allowed to do shit at sunday plzz that is going too far. Only because its a restday? and wtf does that mean? you cant even sit behind pc or tv.
He's very friendly and a bit nerdy but his principles are just retarded imo.

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