Invisible men.

Hi readers,

As I saw, lotsa events are coming on ETTv the evening. Also, after I read confo's journal, I remembered I used to have troubles with ETTv : when I join up an ETTv server (as soon as I can connect :), I can't see any of the non-static graphics. In other words, I can't see the bodies (dead or alive), the guns in general nor the objectives. As a shoutcaster, I can only watch the players' name moving... Nothing else.

After some tests, it appeared it was not on every servers.

So, I though first it was due to ETTv's version. No, it was not (I was the only one crying on the servers). I tried to take a look into my cfg (conflicts and stuff) but nothing happened either.

Disheartened, I tried to get back to default cfg but, still, only names were dancing onto my screen.

Therefor, if one of you guyz has any clue to help me, thanks a lot in advance.

In case you don't, just... Try at least :O

Cheers xfire'rs.

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