
Ugh.. I am in the middle of nowhere with a laptop with only solitaire and minesweeper and the internet of course, I was at my girlfriends house for a week and I decided to go from there to my dads house and spend christmas with the side o my family I rarely see as it is nearer than my house, but, this may of proved a bad idea as I am bored senseless and not likely to find relief untill the 28th when I will return home with my girlfriend (who I will pick up) 1 day before my birthday so wish me luck with an intel celeron 2600 (runs like 1000) and integrated ATI graphics i'll need it.. by the way MEEZ And AZA IF YOUR OUT THERE MESSEGE ME PLEASE WITH VENT DETAILS!!!!!!

Is there anyway I can go on irc on the inet ? Not allowed to put it on this laptop :o((
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