Best of ET Movie

Well, I've given it some thought, I think I might try to make this best of ET movie, but I might start it and completely run out of time, however I have a couple weeks over xmas/newyear.

However, I need a bit of help.

a) is it completely gay to make a movie with your own shoutcast? To me this seems lame, but I dunno

b) a good movie config

c) demos - all of my demos are are freefloat, and people prefer 1st person, I'd need some help here

d) Wire cam, I have absolutely no experience with this, I tried it once and failed badly, anyone able to help me script it for certain demos?

e) events without shoutcast, if a movie is going to start with a shoutcast it should finish with a shoutcast imo, would seem weird to have one minute with, one without, should I record a shoutcast for those that dont have it? or only take events from matches that were casted (and in 2005 there were ALOT of them)

f) which events + demos for them please

g) I will start, there is no garentuee I'll finish

Your input is appriciated :D oh and what irc channel can I find sock in.

And if someone else has already started this but hasnt made it public for whatever reason, pm me and I'll stop and offer you whatever files you need!

Oh and Music, I will certainly be using Muse - Showbiz but other than that i'm guzumped
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