Some #1 ventrilo binds!

my ufo goes lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle

my roflcopter goes soiststststststststststs.

My roflcopter goed dfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfe. Oh noes we've been hit by rofl rofl cakes

my roflcopter is coming down! hold on to something! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe. BOOM!

Eat my! rofl rofl cake

Hi ! i'm Microsoft Sam and today i'm soi soi soi Oops! gesundheit! and i will eat my rofl soufle!

tche tche tche tche tche tche tche tche soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi myam myam myam myam nananananananananananana ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze ze

xxxxe. xxxxe xxxxe xxxxe. xxxxe xxxxe. xxxxe! xxxxe xxxxe xxxxe xxxxe. xxxxe. xxxxe. xxxxe xxxxe xxxxexxxxe. My engine doesnt work. oH NoesSSSSS!

Now i will kill you! pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe Boom! Boom! Pang! pfffffffffffe banzaiiiiiii

®!®!®!®!®!®!®!®!®!®!®!®! to lagg out the jews!

My roflcopter goes tche tche tche tche tche ttttttttttttte soi soi soi tche tche tche ttttttttttttte soi soi soi Oh my god we've been hit by lasers ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng zz

image: wortel

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