so xfire has a new banner, a new layout ( ugleh !!1 ) and a little gamestv.org feed square

yay !

BUT, nothing works as it should be, profiles are weird, cant upload pic, urls dont work, doesnt say who did the thread, /!\ NO HITS AND COMMENTS /!\ etc.

xfire2 > xfire3

image: lol1020821
delete this :F ^
Don't really like it either , only the banner is really nice :E
I liked the old one better aswell but I am confident that this will in time become a lot like the old except a tad better =). Give it time.
Patience plebicite
taLa did his best show some respect lads. and after all an opion is subjective.

keep it up taLa
tbh i dont understand why it took so long to create such a crappy xfire 3.
Jetzt hat das spammen ja gar keinen Sinn mehr,oder? :<
then maybe u should have applied for the job?

If u have comment alteast bring some argumentation?
just need hits and comments
i dont see that nice banner its only grey, must be my firefox blocking it... how do i disbale that blocking?
Oke I think xfire is and looks better now. Ofc it has bugs but they will be fixed.
I want the hits and comments back.
go make your own communauty website and gl with that.
idd unthankful piece of fuck. Anyway mout the ET community will always be lame <3 ya
looks great, but that hardware section kinda pwns my uber profile.
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