
-Last comments
-Last journals
-Last people who visited your profile
-Amount of comments

Should get back

Last journals / comments yeah

The rest are pointless, hits just cause hastle.
true but only latest comments then

amount of comments / hits are just /spam
dont bring hits back because now people dont have a reason to spam there profile links
yup maybe thats why they didnt add it to xfire3
Thats a good point.
xfire2 come back :(
Hell yes.
yep xfire 2 > xfire 3

Atleast we won't have people posting their profile link for hits anymore. -,-
sad, the urlfunction is gone, like my e-penis (hits) and my flag
urls work, you just need to tag 'em
Yes, because your ego is severely damaged without the hits.
last visitors would be nice, the rest is not necessary. :-P
omg that new xfire really sucks :((
Ban hitwhores.
latest comments and journals back plz oknp..
last visitors + comments and journals plz
lasst comments and journals would be nice
who cares about hits?
Last journals / comments / hits / last visitors back plz
journals / comments / visitors pls
agree all of them should be back :(
Last journals and maybe last comments. Fuck hits and visitors
sad, only ~10 hits missing for 1337 for me :o[
Good thing its gone :)
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