
Bah my laptop hard drive spazzed out and ive been without a computer for a day or 2 and xfire gets updated during this :D

So as i sit here in a computing lab downloading ubuntu, my question to you is what would you do if your pride and joy (pc/laptop) was suddenly taken away from you?

United Kingdom I will get a new computer out of this all but thats another story :)
alcohol ofc
fuck with your female teacher
Get to meet the other inhabitants of this house who call themselves my family or something.
hje neic greammr OOOO:Ooooo

btw poaland XXXXdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd nloy jstu nticoed !!!!11111
hmm, have some fun with friends perhaps if they aren't working?
other than that, have some alcohol/read a book.
That's a nice surprise. May I ask what kind off books you read?
I like to read books that contain information, most of the time about old cultures (e.g. roman) because that interests me. Other than that fiction by Jan Wolkers enjoys me.
Impressive. I heard Turks Fruit contains explicit sex-scenes. Is that correct?
Yep, but it surely isn't the only book that wolkers wrote which hasn't got any sex-scenes (may it be explicit or not, such as Kort Amerikaans).
Too bad I don't like dutch books (except Thea Beckman :o )
I don't have to imagine, my laptop charger fried himself, it's now committed to emitting a haunting tzzz sound every few seconds. Evidently, when ones computer is taken away, there is nothing to do but find a dark, damp corner to sit and weep into.
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