Kuma\War: free mp game

I've just read an article about that new online multiplayer game on the german news-page stern.de

It's a free game developed by Game Bytes in cooperation with the U.S. Army but who cares if the game is free? :p

In that game you're playing some scenarios like:

Reenact the battle at Tora Bora as it could have gone down had US Special Forces on the ground surrounded Osama Bin Laden and his al Qaeda fighters in the cave complexes of eastern Afghanistan in December 2001.

Called in by the beleaguered Iraqi National Guard, you have to lead a team of Stryker Brigade soldiers through a hornet’s nest of gunfire to take back a police station. Can you crack open the al Qaeda-linked terrorists’ position and send them running?

I didn't download it yet but I'll give it a shot.

You can check the game-site here: kumawar
And here you can download the client: Download
It's on the right side. In the middle you can download the scenarios afaik.
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