Attempted mugging!

I almost got wtfpwned / mugged the other evening! I was walking along when these two youths approached me. One of them asked me if I had the time, I got my phone out my pocket and told them the time, 3.30am. I put said phone back in my pocket. The fellow then said 'Can I have a look at your phone again?' I replied 'Err, no.'

The rapscallion then said 'I'm going to give you two options, we're going to beat you up and take your phone, or you can just give us your phone.'

I said 'Well, having mulled over both your options, I find neither of them to be particularly satisfactory.' At which point, I then said 'Yoink' and ran off as fast as my legs could carry me. I turned round mid-run and said 'HAHA, OPTION 3, MUTHAFUCKERS.' I'm not entirely sure whether they gave chase.

Ok, ok, maybe I just ran off after he'd given me the two options, without saying a word. Anyways, I managed to escape with my phone intact! Hoorah.

They were quite gentlemanly muggers really, giving me the options. Quite amateurish also, what with not flashing any blades or whatnot.

Anyways, Graballa 1, Muggers 0. Pwned.
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