Xbox 360 will get owned imo

Consoles: PS3 | Xbox 360

Processor: 3.2GHz Cell w/ 7 SPEs 2.0 TFLOPS | 3.2GHz G5 w/ 3 Cores 1.0 TFLOPS

Memory: 256MB XDR @ 3.2GHz 256MB | GDDR3 @ 700MHz 512MB GDDR3 @ 700MHz | 10MB Embedded DRAM

GPU: 550MHz NVIDIA | 500MHz ATi

Best Display: 1080p Standard Dual Screen Output 1080i | Optional Single Screen Output

Network: 1000BASE-T Ethernet | Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g 100BASE-TX Ethernet Wi-Fi | 802.11 a/b/g

Audio: 5.1 digital | 5.1 digital

Wireless Input: x7 on Bluetooth 2.0 | x4 on 2.4GHz RF

Storage: Removable HDD *TBA | Removable HDD 20 GB

Release: Spring 2006 | November 2005

Dimensions: 13,5" x 3,25" | 10,25" x 2,5"

The only minus for PS3 is that we have to wait untill spring 2006
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