how to automatically load cfg?


all of a sudden my autoexec.cfg doesnt load automatically when playing in etpro.
If i join a nq server it'ok.

its in my etmain folder.
Not sure, maybe you should trying to put autoexec also in your etpro folder?
already tried. doesnt work
well well well i dunno -__-' you could also try to delete the etconfig from the profile folder
workaround:make a shortcut with +set fs_game etpro +exec autoexec
a better noobproof explanation needed pls
make a shortcut, then edit the properties. in the 'Target' box, which contains the location of et.exe, add the commands. so itll be like

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ET\ET.exe" +set fs_game etpro +exec autoexec
when i join the game from trackbase with xfire or from splatterladder with the sl launcher does it still work?
if you can manually change the game's directory in xfire or the launcher, adding the optional arguments at the end, just like with the shortcut, then i believe so. though i dont use those myself, so i cannot say for sure
ill try to change the gamesdirectory in xfire to the modified shortcut. thx
and with slac? I've tried setting things to start but it only accepts first addition which is +etpro
you should be able to add things after +set fs_game etpro, like
+set fs_game etpro +exec truck

but it seems to reset it every time you reopen tzac, call chaplja
mkey, ill try thx
make shortcut of tzac-et and there add the commands to the startup
it should also start the game straight away instead of the login screen
what zeddd said, just change your shortcut to exec any config as you load the game
how? explain step by step for nubz pls
you are now and forever in my debt.

troo, if you're using slac just put it in the little box there, exec autoexec.cfg

thought so. thx.
but when i join the game from splatterladder with the sl luncher does it still work?
my help has now retracted
a tampon guy ----> zedddd says it
its in my etmain folder.

Put it in etpro folder... When you load slac it instantly loads etpro so it will use whatever cfgs are in etpro folder.

So place in etpro sorted.
rename it to autoexec

It is ET its way of saying you should stop playing ETpro because you are too bad for it.
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