adze's evening journal v2

Good evening crossfire!

How you doing?
School starts for me in a couple of days and ermh, it's gonna be freaking awesome! Can't wait!
I am very bad mood which I am not familiar with, dunno why. I had a boring day, nothing special happened, the weather was awesome though, neither too warm nor cold! I got red a bit after cycling 70km, but yeah shit happens!
School started for you too? How do you feel about it?

Listen to this awesome music!

image: beachwallpaperbabe

Love you!
took me like 2 mins to notice that her sweet ass sweeter than I thought :S
mind = blow
why oh why? :( some tellin me but why?
switching a track to electro is soo crazy girl
it just happened! :o
Tomorrow school.
Stay cool you 2
here same situation "hug"
hug to you 2
i would like to put that wallpaper for my backround but university starts tomorrow and i have open my laptop in some lessons :P
I'm to school for cool
school tomorrow :'@
exam tomorrow to know if i can finally go to college :D
Still gotta prepare a politics lesson for last year students, gonna teach them on Tuesday. :')
professor lahq was ist mit den los?
dat chick... :)
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