Sushi yummy

hello my dear crossfire nerds,

ate Sushi for the first time today.
tasted good, will eat again.


image: sushi
have tried it once.. didn't like it at all.. maybe i should try it another time but then at some decent sushi restaurant.
after my first sushi... i had food poisoning and i never tried it again :D
Sushi - you're doing it wrong. It's awesome.
the cook did smth wrong!
We can get vegetarian sushi to be on the safe side.
sushi and my music k? <3
sushi looks disgusting :S never tried, never will i think
fries and porkmeat now

tried sushi for first ti,em some time ago as well, its okay.
regural or egg? 8)
regular but i love egg as well and this new egg with this lil spoon :x
i hate sushi.
me too but i like lolipops ;)
Sushi is just a trend, it's disgusting.
wtf...sushi is one of the most common food, get out of mcdonalds and eat something exciting for a change
are you implying that he lives in a mcdonalds

besides, there's more food in this world than just mcdonalds and sushi
its like black and white nothing else .. ...
have not implied that sushi and mcdonalds are the only food in the world, i said 'exciting food', not, in anyway, did i mention sushi as been the only exciting food

and 'get out of' does not mean living in some where. you can wait in a line for a doctor and the secretary can tell you to get out of the building, does it mean you live there?

i really owned your right now
jesus christ, you're so fucking stupid man...
just admit you lost and i really owned you up there, you've nothing to say
i'm not even gonna bother explaining myself to you, i'd rather let you figure it out yourself, sure it might take you a few years, or you might never be able to do it, but you got owned, that's why i called you stupid.
stop making excuses
can you please ask your mom or somebody to explain simple things to you?
hmmmm sushi :)
wtf, i thought eating sushi was kinda normal i ate it laods of times and many ppl here at cf havent really eaten much.
running sushi <3
Sushi be good shit
its decent if they actually make the rice taste at all (dont really like the soy sauce and wasabi)
sushi are awesome !
I only like sushi with vegetables, I rather dislike eating fish when its cold and the same goes for meat (excl. chicken :p). I really enjoy the rice and the structure of sushi though.
sushi is great but expensive tho :D
sushi suuuuuucks... there.. I said it.
shits good.

but for some odd reason, everytime i eat sushi it ends up being a wasabi contest.

childish? nono :S
never tried
used to make sushi with my old roommate and some friends...but since he isnt here more sushi
I doubt many people on CF has actually had "real" sushi before...
u all sucks, who hate sushis!!!
may be maki then?
Sushi is shit and full of additives and salt over here. When i first had it in Japan i wasn't as pleased with it since it's just fish and rice job done, then after having it all the time it just taste so fresh and good for you (especially fish market sushi) i havn't been able to touch this processed crap back home :(

image: 25255_425147371170_678126170_5864967_7824703_n
Ele du hässling :D
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