Help programming

Im currently studying IT to create tzac proof cheats in the future but im already having some problems.

Im trying to create an easy form in C which you have to fill in in order to get your curriculum vitae

The current code can be found here:

Every time I run it, it randomly skips steps.

Anyone knows what the problem might cause? im working with Dev-C++
i would help you but your skill/ego ratio is too fucked up.
cant divide by zero
well, in case you are putting more than one char into each "field", than you will have problems with. you should make ur variables typed as char[] not char, char = 1 character, char[] = array of characters aka string. When you put string into char via scanf you can cause some memory leaks/inconsitencies which can lead into skipping another scanfs.
i dont understand you completely

i am indeed putting more than one character in the fields, but what do you mean with typing variables as char[]?
Char is 1 character.
When you use [ ] brackets, it means you have an array (or table) of characters.

But the easiest way to do what you are doing is to use strings.
Yes use strings. No limit.
I dont really see any effort of strings.
Lets take
char age;
,could use
char age[3];
to prevent trolls.
i would help you but your skill/ego ratio is too fucked up.
char naam, adres, telefoonnummer, email, nationaliteit, geboortedatum;

Those are chars, not char arrays or Strings. You're also asking for a char (%c) with scanf.
Char = 1 letter.

I haven't really played with C in ages, but perhaps
the [80] is the size of the string right?
More or less right yes. char naam[80]; means its an array of 80 chars, you can put in 80 letters.
Hmm? naam[79] would contain the null termination character though? so effectively, he could use 79 characters if he would use char[80]?
Sounds correct. Like I said, I haven't touched C/C++ in years. And when I did touch it, I didn't get pass 1st base so my knowledge of the language is rather limited :P
omg it works, ive been googling for 30 minutes but something this simple didnt come by

wut = Date of birth ;)

thx for your version

btw, that [80] uses more memory than a lower number, right?
Should use,but personally havent noticed any bigger memory usage between 40 and 80
Technically yes but its not going to run a modern computer out of memory space, its trivial the difference :P
ask khaplja
i have no idea. ask chabilja no cudi no wiz no hiphop
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