Desi 6on6 One Day Cup v2

image: unled1nre
About today's cup, it's a reminder that all teams should be signed up before 19CET if not then too bad. Also you should check in your team on the site by 19:30 and the brackets will be up at 19:45CET. Also captains don't forget to idle at #desi-bros. If we don't reach 32 teams then we will obviously go with 16 so any teams signed up after 16 will be kicked out. Also for scores please /q rito or one of the admins after you played your match and about the mercs for the cup read here
#Desi-Bros @ Quakenet
BYEs and seeding too much hard?
desi vs supski
Why would you kick the others out? xd
cuz he was trying to keep high teams only, but failed cuz we got most high teams
That is superretarded.. Give everyone a chance to participate!
i know, check my cup i let everyone in!
Cba to check from my cellphone but I trust you ;)
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