WinFakt FIFA Challenge

image: b39bfu3t

Hey Crossies,

dont forget about the awesome Team Winfakt FIFA Challenge.

How can I win a copy of FIFA 12 (release: 20th September)

Just register on Team WinFakt's homepage and post a comment with I want to win FIFA12 because <reason here> under our Newspost.

Don't forget to like us on Facebook.

The winner will be announced on September 15th on our Homepage and on Facebook.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Your Team-WinFakt
professional E-Sports team WinFakt
I have an idea. Buy a REAL football and go play outside.
But that is no e-sport then :(
If you record your outside games , then you render it and IMAGINE with your pc that your playing it ! Double the fun!
You can win a free copy of FIFA 12, point enough?
I have an idea. But a REAL football and go play outside.
since I have free fifa 11 I could enter this to get free fifa 12 and profit even more!
why would anyone want fifa anyway? PES all the way
pes is quiet shit
PC Version ?
Depends on what the winner wants
Awesome, good luck to everyone (including myself :p)
GL to all!
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