Bios error

Well im having this problem since a while and not even formatting pc helped it so i wonder if anyone of u ppl could have any clue whats the problem when i get this msg as it pops up almost every time i turn on pc.

image: 02092011531

image: m68
5/10 chick =(
That you even score her that high.
try opening your computer and reclosing it, some computers have a thing where it can tell if the system has been opened and not properly put back
reset your bios or You can disable it in the BIOS by going to the boot section and setting the Case Open Warning option to disabled.
I have cleaned some time ago the CPU cooler, guess it could be cus of that? Anyway i went to bios settings and did what u said, so i guess that msg wont pop up anymore now?
i dont think it will try and shutting it down and powering it back up
Close your chassi or just remove "Detect chassi intrusion" in your bios settings.
same as brandon said above?
Cool, didn't see that he wrote diabling the feature as well :)
But yea, same thing
pic is from James bonds docter no right?
i haz no clue, just dled some pack of chicks from one torrent site .P
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