Miss Universe 2k11
3 Sep 2011, 14:20
dunno when but...
we can vote in semi-finals: http://www.missuniverse.com/members/home
my top :D
what do u think?
e: :DDD
and where r all those sexy asians? eaten by those monsters?
we can vote in semi-finals: http://www.missuniverse.com/members/home
my top :D
what do u think?
e: :DDD
and where r all those sexy asians? eaten by those monsters?
edit: Oh snap
Random Chicks Journals are way better.
This is not natural.
Money, money, money, money.
those random chicks razzah & co posts are just some random virgin, emo teens and shit. quite annoying. these are the real women. and if u had any of these fine bitchez u'd be the man
Be prouf of him, he's probably the happiest guy of the world. Congrat him :)
I hate You !
patriota :P
widzialem ja pare razy na zywo, jak lazila po sklepach prywatnie albo na imprezach otwarcia jakis sklepow jako gwiazde i musze powiedziec ze jadac komunikacja miejska mozna znalezc kilka ladniejszych...
Tak swoja droga, to pytanie tez takie z dupy (to tak a propos zdjecia Taza), domyslam sie, ze lepiej poradzilaby sobie z pytaniem "z czego sklada sie silnik wysokoprezny autobusu". Zreszta dziennikarz tez blysnal podpowiedzia, sam nie umial odpowiedziec na swoje pytanie xD
ur flame is low as u r maybe otherwise u wouldnt have red triangle there :'(
cuz they finally noticed asian girls look shit