Call of Juarez: The Cartel

dont get it, i am quite disappointed. I really liked bound in blood but the new one is so limited in functionality, completely linear and just some random "shoot em up".
Also the game can only really be played with 2 mates as the idea of the game (leveling up due to covertly stealing extra items) is counter intuitive when 2 AIs are foloowing you around everywhere.
waste of money and time
im sry u invested time for this :(
ye was rly looking forward to it when i got back home yesterday. but 2 hours of drunken gaming and my nice evening found a sad end.
dunno where u live in germany but we have 28° still here so i go out ;)
instead of be drunken gaming id like to be drunken clubbin :)
my car said 27,5°

so go out u r in amsterdam. do u live there???
ye i study and live here. its 27,5° and 18.33
to early to party, just getting started eating loads of beef and drinking a couple beers.
niiiiiiiiiiiiiice can i get a sleeping place ? io want to come but im pooor :/
1st becks here and now rolliin'
you wont sleep much visiting amsterdam, trust me :)
need place for my clothes at least but ye i believe that :D
not a problem ;)
One can only hope Techland didn't fuck around with Dead Island as they did with CoJ...
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