Buried (2010)

What an amazing movie!
I've always liked Ryan Reynolds, but wow! He's best performance since Smokin' Aces!
If you haven't seen the movie yet, go and watch it! Kinda liked it!
Just sayin!
Just looking!
liked it aswell, had me sitting on the edge of my seat, fucked up ending though
agree, nice movie but the ending was a bit... wtf O_o
lol was the most boring and stupid movie i have ever seen
hate this movie
that was prolly the worst move iver ever seen
Just commenting!
epic gay movie taste
Nice movie to watch ones imo
it was a very mediocore movie...
but yes ryan reynolds is a fantastic actor, watched every movie of him

blade trinity
green lantern
x-men origins
smokin' aces


awesome movies and acting there O_o
hope you catch irony.
origins was decent, so was smokin aces
plus actually i haven't seen the other two, but there are other movies he were in
they weren't top of the world but is a great actress nonthe less
ur forgetting his best movies...
horrible movie, lol.
not surpised - he said Dexter is "shit". :,(
no chance in HELL would dexter be any CLOSE to the word shit
what a douchbag
Wasn't that good...
crap movie, really boring...
is that the movie where a guy is stuck in a coffin and the ones who try to rescue him go to wrong place and the guy dies?
you ruined the movie for the people who havent seen it yet
People saying "worst movie ever" should watch Frozen (2010)
Enjoyed it too
Thought it was pretty good considering it's only in 1 location the whole time.
movies i saw today and liked: The veteran, Taken, Take him to the greek :) I own 20 koo koo roo's!
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