new linux distro

since my XP stopped working and my Kubuntu isn't running as smoothly as it should anymore (and, i just want something different..)

im looking for a new linux distribution.

KDE preferred.

has anyone here tried Mandriva?
any other suggestions perhaps?

would install linux but no official lol client + tzac
openSUSE ftw!
I heard Madriva is good aswell :P
/!\ :P

Only tried mandriva a while ago when I used to buy linuxformat magazine, had it on one of the CDs so can't say much about it :/
sabayon linux with kde
one of the best distris tbh
debian only and definitely not mint
mandriva - used the first distro (i.e. the one after mandrake), was not that stable, but i guess this might have changed during the last 6 years.
fedora - good, used it until version 10, afair with version 11 they introduced that user friendly thing that you do not need to compile the kernel module for your graphics driver anymore. did not allow to config the xserver anymore, many freezes with my nvidia card (couldn't even kill the xserv). pulseaudio also was a pain sometimes.
ubuntu: using it right now, also comes with precompiled kernel modules for your graphics card. more stable than fedora, going to stick with it for now - did not like unity though, runs fine with gnome. i do not like kde.
I never liked kde. Just get linux mint
current version comes with gnome3 but you can install kde aswell
Debian or Arch

I'd recommend debian with gnome though, KDE is beautiful but for a man with a CRT that doesn't matter!
all i use my pc for is msn, internet, downloading music and movies (which i find more effort on kubuntu than on xp) also a musicplayer, preferably foobar; sadly, linux doesnt have that. amarok is okay though.

so i guess it doesn’t necessarily have to be kde.
debian you say?
Gnome is more than comfortable. I'd also recommend using MPD instead of amarok for music, it's much nicer I feel personally.

Debian is beautifully easy to install and its probably the most stable build out there currently (not including server installs).

Try it out, just wipe over your xp partition and dualboot!
hadn't thought of that :D
thanks, I will
I don’t want to be the only one who knows how to operate my computer.
Put your windows start bar area at the top of your screen and you get that effect anyway.

Which is really awkward when chicks don't know you're a nerd. I also enjoy letting people use my laptop (REALLY custom light weight debian install) and then get them to input lines into terminal for program-boots. They shit themselves.
Then install some nice desktop enviroment on it.

you want undetectable hax or not? :~>
i would pick gentoo + xfce
u can get kde anywhere u stupi loooooooool
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